6%- Principal Franklin

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PF: Principal Franklin

Next day:

Sam's POV:

We have to tell Principal Franklin today and I'm actually terrified. Luckily it's Friday, so I can rest for the weekend. Me and Freddie are moving our stuff into to our apartment and then we will be officially moved in! We've been in and out of our apartment but we don't have our stuff in there so we aren't technically moved in yet.

I'm at the school lockers and I'm throwing my books in my locker, waiting for Carly or Freddie to come over. They both came in early to do morning revision. As much as I love those 2, big in different ways, they sure are nerds. I was pulled out of my thoughts, when I felt some arms go around my waist from behind. I knew it was Freddie.

S: "Hi baby" I said turning my head up to look at him.

F: "Hi"

I giggled at him and kissed his lips. I then softly turned around so he can see me properly.

F: "And hi to you, baby boy or girl" he strokes my stomach and then puts his hands on my waist.

F: "You alright?"

S: "Yeah. Just feeling a bit dizzy"

F: "If you want to leave school at any point just tell me and we can leave" He told me while softly looking into my eyes.

S: "Ok." I said softly.

F: "We're moving in with each other tonight" He moved me closer towards him.

S: "I know... and maybe we could spice it up tonight a bit?"

F: "I like that idea" he said and kissed me. We then walked hand in hand to Principal Franklin's office.... ohh shit!

Principles Franklin's Office:

Me and Freddie are sitting in front of Principal Franklin holding hands.

PF: "What has brought you two here today?"

F: "Umm well..." Freddie then chuckles "Me and Sam have some pretty big news to tell you." His grip tightened showing me he's nervous. I squeezed back and smiled at him to reassure him it's ok.

PF: "Okaaaayyyy, what is it?" He said drawing out 'okay' in confusion.

S: "I'm having a baby!" I said. Then handed him the picture of the ultrasound.

PF: "Oh wow! Congratulations! Are your parents on board with this and is there anything I can do to help?" he asks.

S: "Our parents are on broad and so is me and Freddie's legal guardian, Spencer."

PF: "Excellent!"

F: "For Sam, could you make sure every teacher allows her to be dismissed if she needs to go bathroom or if she's in pain she can go home. And then, could we make sure that all her medication is stocked up in first aid, as well as some hot water bottles, that Sam will bring in on Monday, in case she's in pain."

PF: "Yes I can do that. Would you like me to tell the teachers why she can leave?"

F: "When Sam is three months, so June, you can tell them then but not now. And if Sam has to go home or needs me then please could I be notified"

PF: "Ok that's fine. Well congratulations you two" he said and handed the ultrasound picture back to us, smiling.

S: "Thanks" I said. Me and Freddie walked hand in hand out the room with huge smiles on our faces.

At the lockers... again:

F: "That went better than expected"

S: "Yeah, it did" I sighed looking into his eyes.

The school bell then went.

F: "See you after class" He said and lifted my chin up with his fingers and kissed me.

S: "Bye" I said softly and we parted ways with blushes on our faces.

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