3%- Momma

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One month later- March 2012

Sam's POV:

Ugh! Mornings. I hate morning's!


Sam's text: morning Fredley

Freddie's text: morning beautiful xx 😘

Sam's text: ur buying me a fat cake after skl btw

Freddie's text: alright xx

Freddie's text: Bby, u ok?

Freddie's text: Baby?

Freddie's text: Sam!!

Sam's text: Sry Fredlow. I'm fine I just threw up :(

Freddie's text: I hope ur ok xx Wna skip skl? I can come take care of u

Sam's text: No I'll be fine

Freddie's text: ok xx cya xx

Sam's text: cya x

At the school lockers

S: "Hey Carls" I said walking up to Carly.
C: "Hey Sam, Freddie said you weren't feeling well, are you ok?"
S: "Yeah, I'm fine now, just a stomach ache... that's it"
C: "Ok. I'll make you some chicken soup after school"
S: "Thanks. I'm gonna go find my boyfriend, see ya at maths"
C: "Bye Sam"

I walked over to Freddie who was at the other set of lockers. I'm kind of annoyed his locker isn't near mine.

F: "Hey baby, You alright now?"
S: "I don't feel nauseous anymore but I do have a stomach ache" I said and gave him a hug.
F: "Sam, if it gets any worse then text me and I'll go home with you" he said hugging me back.

S: "Thanks" I said and looked up to him. We then kissed before the bell rang and we went to class.

Period 2- History:

S: "Fuck" Sam whispered to herself and clenching her stomach. Luckily all period 2 lessons were having a few minutes free time in they're lesson so they wouldn't get told off for going on her phone.

Sam's text: Bby, my stomachs killing me. Meet me outside the skl xx

Freddie responded right away.

Freddie's text: comin' babe xxx

Outside ridgeway:

S: "Hey"
F: "Hey. You want to go to yours or mine?"
S: "Can we go to yours to get some medicine, since I don't have any in my house, and then head back to mine?"
F: "Sure Sammy" he said adding a smile at the end

Sam's house:

F: "Want anything baby?" He said as Sam laid down on the couch.
S: "Can you get me your hoodie off my dresser?"
F: "Sure" he said smiling.

After Freddie gets the hoodie:

S: "Thanks baby"
F: "No problem"

Sam then put the hoodie on and laid on the couch uncomfortably, glancing at Freddie once in a while.

F: "You want me to cuddle you, don't you?" He said smirking with his arms folded across his chest.
S: "Yeah"

Freddie went over to Sam and gently pulled her forward so he could lay down behind her.

F: "Better?"
S: "Better" she sighed before falling into a deep sleep in Freddie's arms

Freddie's POV:

I wish Sam wasn't sick. I hate seeing her like this. Sam hardly ever gets sick so I'm not surprised she's having a hard time.

Half and hour later

No ones POV:

S: "B- b- baby" Sam said waking up slowly, rubbing her eyes.
F: "Hey princess"
S: "Hi" she sighed and tuned her body around to face Freddie.
F: "Babe, um, um I t-think I know what's wrong with you..."
S: "What is it?"
F: "Y-you could be p-p- pregnant"
S: "How?! We used protection!"
F: "I know, but even protection doesn't work"
S: "Oh ok. Well, what are we gonna do?"
F: "We can go to the doctors this afternoon, possibly, if I call them now. But if you are pregnant, would you keep the baby?"
S: "Ok, and yes I would keep the child."
F: "Really?"
S: "Yeah, of course."
F: "Ok..."
S: "Ok!? Is that all you have to say!?"
F: "I was gonna say 'yay' but that's to cheesy for you"
S: "True" she said and sighed.
F: "I love you Sam"
S: "I love you too Freddie"
They then kissed, like couples do.
F: "I'll go call the doctor"
S: "Ok" Freddie then got up to call the doctors.

Sam sat up right on the couch, she was thinking about the situation in her head. She was thinking about how Spencer, Carly, her mum and Mrs Benson would feel about this. 'What if me and Freddie break up?! Wait.. that would never happen though...' she thought.

F: "I'm back!" He said interrupting her thoughts.
S: "Oh, hi baby" she said weakly.
F: "We have an appointment at 4, so we have... 2 hours." He then sat down next to Sam and pulled her into a hug noticing her pain.
F: "What's wrong baby?"
S: "This whole situation is so scary to me. What would everyone think if I was pregnant? And how would we both, be able to take care of the child, considering we live in separate homes"
F: "Sammy, I promise I'll be with you the whole way if you are pregnant and we can move in together if we do have a child. I have the child trust fund remember, so I have money for us"
S: "Oh yeah, that's true, thanks Freddo"
F: "No problem"

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