They stood in the wind at other ends of the doors. Y/N didn't know what to do. Leaving seemed rude, but it was freezing, and she really wanted to get home. But here was Jodie. Right there, in front of her, but six feet away.

"I'm just.." she pointed a thumb behind her awkwardly. "..that way. Just past the traffic lights."

"I'm this way." Jodie gestured opposite. She paused. "Sorry, again...."

"I'm sorry! I should've made myself more obvious..." Y/N insisted. She fiddled with her bags, taking a step backwards.

"No worries. I should've waited to see if anyone was going. I was just in a rush..." Y/N felt Jodie staring into her and her heart raced. Jodie bit her lip, pausing. "You probably know, but I'm Jodie." she slipped her mask below her nose as if to confirm so.

"I'm Y/N. We...uh..." Don't say it, don't say it. "We met yesterday, at the auditions."

"Oh yeah! I remember you, the late one." Jodie laughed a little, her eyes crinkling with a smile.

"Yeah, that's me." Y/N gulped. Was that how she remembered her?

"Well, see you on set maybe."

"Yeah, thanks."

What was that? What the hell was that?


Y/N walked as quickly as she could as the sun poked from behind the clouds. Her palms sweated beneath the plastic handles of the bags. She couldn't get the scene out of her head; when she and Jodie collided it felt like she'd been electrocuted. The butterflies still danced in her stomach and the adrenaline was still pumping fast.


Her phone buzzed in her pocket; an incoming call from her best friend Tracey. "Hi Y/N! How are-"

"Trace, help."

"Is everything okay?"

"No. I just met Jodie. Two minutes ago. I bumped into her, in the supermarket, our bags fell, everything was really weird and awkward and she probably thinks I'm a flustered idi-"

"Woah woah woah, slow down. Run that by me again. You met Jodie? Like, your-celebrity-crush-since-you-were-16 Jodie?"

"That Jodie."


"I know."

"How did you even bump into her?"

"We went for the same self-scanner. We didn't touch any other way, if you were wondering. No, that sounds weird. We distanced, whatever. She introduced herself first. Trace, she's really pretty. Oh god oh god..."

"Wow, you're a reallyyy flustered idiot."

"Hey! What would happen if you crashed into....Ariana Grande or someone in Tesco?" Y/N crossed the road and fumbled for her keys, opening the door and heading up the stairs.

"Well firstly, I shop at Asda. Secondly, she lives in America and likely wouldn't come or she'd quarantine for ten days. Thirdly, I'd be a lot calmer than you clearly were! I'd at least try to make some more conversation."

"If I tried, Tracey Granger, then I'd probably end up tripping up while it rained cats and dogs and the chickens yelled the sky was falling down."

"Alright Miss Dramatic. I think you're ready for that job right now. Come on, considering that you've been asked if you want it the day after you auditioned has got to be a sign!"

Y/N entered her flat and dumped the bags by the door, entering the kitchen and flipping open her laptop. "Asked. That doesn't mean I have to."

"Oh my God. Can't you see it? They really really want you in the part. Like, desperately. You're lucky to have a job."

"So desperate they went for me huh?"

"Christ, woman. Right, do you have the page open?"

" did you know I was inside?"

"I live across the street from your flat remember?"

Y/N rolled her eyes. "What, I'm the famous actress, you're the super spy?"

"Of course. Okay, ring them up now."


"You have your landline, keep me on here and call them on that. Don't tell me your decision. Tell em, go on."

The phone rang once, then twice, then thrice, then four times before someone picked up. "Daniel Odel Film Productions, how can I help?"

"Hi, I'm...erm....ringing to ask about a main acting role in a new romance film..that Daniel's directing?"

"Okay. I'll put you onto him now."

"Have you done it yet?" Tracey sounded impatient.

"Hang on, they're just transferring the call." Y/N groaned.

"Daniel Odel speaking. Who is this?"

Y/N quickly switched Tracey off speaker. "It's Y/N L/N. I..uh..auditioned yesterday for Kara Anderson in Let's Fly Away? You called this morning asking if I wanted to take the role."

"Ah yes, Y/N! So, your decision?"

Y/N swallowed, thinking. She didn't even know what her decision was. She thought about Jodie, imagining what it would be like. To see her, to work alongside her, to be her on screen girlfriend. Wow.

But the restrictions, the masks, the distancing, the testing. Y/N knew they were all necessary but she was worried all.

The silence hung in the air as she closed her eyes. "I'm taking it."

"Hurrah!" Daniel cheered. "All the details will be emailed to you from Ellie, the producer. See you next week!"

The call clicked off. Y/N stared into space, taking in a long, deep breath and sighing. She could faintly hear Tracey but ignored her. It was happening. It was.

What was she thinking?

Let's Fly Away - Jodie Whittaker x female reader Where stories live. Discover now