I watched as the kid in front of me breathed heavily. He was surprisingly quiet. For someone with a loud personality, he was really trying not to scream or cry. I knew all too well, that he was gonna end up crying at one point.

I'm guessing another wave of pain hit because I heard a muffled scream. I started comforting him by massaging his head. Tommy seemed to appreciate this as he leaned into the touch. The more time I spend around him, the more this kid surprises me.

Techno left the room. Though Wilbur stayed, he had gotten medical supplies ready. "Dad, is this what you had to go through?" 

"Yea. Hurt like a bitch." Wilbur gave me a soft smiled and so did I. We then looked back at Tommy.

Blood is dripping out of his back. The tips of the wings had broken his skin. They were poking through and the skin was starting to be cut like a cake. I heard another scream. I asked Wilbur, "Could you please pass the cloth?" Wilbur was smiling, yet I know he was horrified. I spoke again while taking the wet cloth to Tommy's back, "You don't have to stay here, this is a pretty gory process. Quite a long one too." 

Wilbur just shook his head and said, "I wanna help the kid, I already stayed with him once, I can do it again." I gave him a confused stare in return. "Oh, he had a head injury and I stayed with him while Niki helped him." 

"Niki sounds like a lovely person." 

"She was."

Time passed and it's been almost 45 minutes. Wilbur started to get worried, "Shouldn't we give him a healing potion now." 

"No, that could hurt the process. We can give him once it stops." I continued to pat the blood off his sides that dripped from his back. I watched as the wings cut through the skin more. It seemed that this part of the process would take another hour.

"How? How could it hurt the process?"

"The potion would heal the skin as the body tries to break it."


20 more minutes pass and I hear the door open. I quickly put down the blood-covered cloth and turned around. I wanted the intruder out, but it was just Techno. "Oh, hello Techno. Need anything?" 

"No, just wanted to check up on the kid. It's been a while." 

"Yea, it's going to be a bit longer. Maybe 1 to 2 more hours." I looked back down at Tommy. "Maybe 3 more." He nodded and walked over to Wilbur. He sat down and started to look at the kid. Wilbur took this as a chance to sleep and leaned up against Techno. Techno leaned back and drifted off as well.

In total, 4 and a half hours passed before Tommy's wings were fully out. Tommy took many deep breaths and before he finally got to rest, I gave him a healing potion. I took a clean cloth to his new wings and started to wash them off. Tommy didn't seem to like this and squirmed under the touch. "Sorry Tommy, I need to clean the blood off." He hummed, signifying he understood. Wilbur and Techno were still sleeping. A while back I had moved them into one of the other medical beds. The chairs looked uncomfortable. They looked peaceful and I wanted to sleep too. It was a long and tiring process. Once Tommy's wings were clear of blood, I finally got a good look at them.

They were a bright red with white tips at the end. They were long as well. Most wings when growing in, would be down to your hips and grow to your body length over the process of a couple of months. Except, his wings were already past the hips and down to his knees. The wings were beautiful. They were vibrant and long. He got very lucky.

I picked Tommy up and moved him to another bed. The one he was just in, is currently covered in blood. It didn't take long for him to drift off to sleep. I went to another medical bed and went to sleep. I was too tired to move to my room.


Holy shit do I feel like crap. Though the agony I had felt yesterday, turned into a dull sting. I sit up and rub my head. I had a pounding headache, most likely from the dizziness and the crying. I yawned and stretched, noticing there was something heavy coming out of my back. I looked to my side and my eyes went wide. Bright red wings, almost the size of me, were attached to my back.

They were fluffed up, stiff and messy. I went to grab the wing, to fix the messy feathers, almost like an instinct. Though when I touched a feather, I moved it the wrong way and it stung. The touch caused my wings to open up. The wings gave out a distressing ache. The pain shocked me and I ended up falling off the bed. I mumbled out "Fuck." I look up and to my sides and see Phil, Techno, and Wilbur all sleeping.

I saw Techno open his eyes, and he stared right at me. He gave a surprised expression, and I returned it with the same reaction. "You have wings." 

"Yea, I guess." He got out of the bed he was sharing with Wilbur and walked over to me. I already got off the ground by then. Wilbur also got up and had the same reaction as Technoblade. "Yes, I have wings now." 

"They're really pretty." He said. 

I got flustered and looked to the ground, "Thank you." 

"Let's go eat," Wilbur spoke. He got off the bed and started walking. I followed behind him.

My wings fluffed up, and although they still hurt, I felt better. I felt better around Wilbur and Techno (and Phil). I'm happy to have people who seemed to care about me, even though the way I met them was quite unfortunate. I smiled and they smiled back at me. I didn't even think of the events that took place yesterday, I was just happy to be in the moment now. I just wished my mom could be here with me.

Words: 1796

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