Carpe Diem Pt 1

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The sound of a thousand horses galloping over the sky rumbled through the cores of every person on Main Street, a stark contrast to the gentle flakes of snow that settled lightly on the shoulders of the shivering soldiers. The empty quiet of the street was shattered by the tinkling of Granny's bell as Carmen and the Wolfgang emerged into the cold night. All were clad in the same tight, black leather tunics and guards, adorned with weapons of every size and type. With her sword bouncing at her hip, and her gun in her hands, Carmen had never felt more ready for the battle that was yet to come. She whirled her hand beside her head, signalling to the others to split up and find their posts. She and Lucas continued down on the road, standing in the centre behind the final nest. Behind them was a line of bombs, concealed by the steadily deepening snow.
The world was silent as a graveyard.
Somewhere, someone coughed.
The air was filled with puffs of mist from the breaths of the soldiers. The bonfires from earlier had long since burned out, and the ashes retained little of the heat. Carmen stood near a group of soldiers. Beside her, a young man lowered his gun and blew on his hands, rubbing them together in an attempt gain back some warmth.
"It's quiet." He murmured to no one in particular.
"It's always like this before a battle." Carmen replied, startling the man. "We call it the breath before the blow. Like the world is taking one last breath before chaos erupts."
"That's deep, man."
"Oh, you don't know the half of it, pal." Lucas smiled.
"Well, let's just hope I live through the battle to learn, hey?" he chuckled weakly.
"What's your name, soldier?" Carmen asked.
"Ryan, ma'am. Private Ryan."
"Well Ryan. How about I make you a deal? You live through this battle, and I'll teach you the half of it. Sound fair?"
"Sure does." He chuckled.
"Good. Then I'll see you on the other side."
"Yes ma'am."
Carmen smiled as the sparks in the young private's eyes were reignited. Closing her eyes, she silently prayed for the goddess Athena to be with them and get everyone through the coming carnage.
Lucas noticed the creases of worry etching their way onto her face and whispered in her ear.
"Hey. It's going to be okay."
"I know." She replied. Suddenly, the ominous ring of the clock tower striking twelve echoed through the streets, travelling over rooves, and far into the kingdom.
"Look alive, men! This is where the fun begins." Carmen shouted with a smile, priming her gun, and steeling her nerves. There were dozens of clicks and rings as guns were cocked and swords were drawn. There was a second of silence. Then the street was illuminated by a mushroom cloud of flames rising from the river, followed several others. For what seemed like an eternity, the sky was alight with the vicious flames of Conan's warships being turned into pyre ships.
Then there was nothing but silence.
Time was quickly passing. Seconds turned into minutes, yet the tension in the air never left, hanging over the troops like a blanket of silent worry.
"You hear that?" Lucas whispered. Carmen shook her head. "Listen."
Carmen turned her head, facing her ear towards the far end of the road where the Overlord's forces were to come marching through. There was something, so quiet she had strain to hear it, but it was there. The marching of a thousand feet thumping along the road. The whickering of a hundred horses whose hooves hit hard against the dirt. The chanting of a hundred-thousand soldiers, showing their pride for the colours they bore. The combinations of sounds morphed together into one terrible song of war, rumbling through the ground, and resonating through their cores. In a rush, she ripped her radio from her belt, and barked into the speaker.
"Emelia. How far out are they?" Carmen demanded.
"Five minutes." Emelia's voice crackled through the radio.
"Shit." she spat. She then pressed a button, then spoke to the radio once more. "Tom? How's old faithful doing up there?" she asked, turning to the clock tower.
"She's good to go, boss."
"Good man." She replied. And with that, she switched off her radio and raised her weapon, staying focused on the far end of the street, listening as the drumming of enemy troops pounded to the beat of her heart.

Henry's brow was creased in deep concentration as he paced back and forth in the kitchen, clenching, and unclenching his fists in frustration. The pre-battle jitters he'd been feeling all day had only worsened when the microwave clock began its furious midnight beeping routine. It was now twenty past twelve, and still there was no news of the battle. With a sigh, he flopped down on a kitchen chair, and began fiddling with a pen he'd found on the floor, while his leg bounced up and down like a jackhammer. The creaking of the stairs sent his reflexes into overdrive, causing him to send his chair crashing to the floor as his hand extended out, holding the pen like sword.
"Henry?" Regina's voice floated down the stairs, making Henry sigh with exasperation as he bent and retuned his chair to its upright position.
"I'm here, mom."
"What are you doing still up? It's the middle of the night."
"Couldn't sleep." He replied, averting his gaze.
"Henry, I might not have Emma's so called 'superpower', but I doubt even the handless wonder up there could see through that lie. What's really keeping you awake?" she asked, pulling up a chair beside him. Henry looked into his mother's eyes. They gleamed with longing, and something that resembled sadness. He knew what she was thinking. He wasn't the Henry she'd raised. The one she'd loved and cared for. The one in her memories. He was the one who had tried to kill her. He was purely a wish, and nothing more. With a shameful sigh, he lowered his eyes, looking everywhere but her. A sudden feeling of guilt and regret settled in his stomach, tapping him on the shoulder and whispering in his ear, telling him she'd never truly forgive him, that she'd never stop comparing him to the Henry that came before. She could feel her presence as she leaned closer to him.
"I'm sorry." He choked, trying to hide the tears that tickled his eyes.

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