The Darkness Returns

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Gideon sighed with sadness as he looked around his father's shop. The collective scent of dust, blood, and magic hung heavy in the air, reminders of a time of battles and bloodshed from long ago. He'd spent his childhood in this shop, peering into the glass cabinets, staring at the wide variety of his father's objects, and pondering their pasts. And now they were his. His heart clenched as he looked around his home. Flipping the old sign on the door to Closed, he moved to the back of the shop. There, on the table, surrounded by candles and flowers, lay a photo of his dear parents. Kneeling in front of the frame, tears rolling down his face, he magicked a blood red rose into his hand.
"Happy anniversary." He choked. "I miss you so much and I love you both. I promise I'll look after the shop for you, father. And the library for you, mother. It seems like only yesterday you were teaching me to walk, to run. Teaching me my first spell, and to read my first book. I know your love was chaotic in the beginning, but now you're together, and I couldn't be prouder of you both. I know you're watching over me. And I know we'll see each other again someday. Happy anniversary. I love you so much."
He picked up the frame and kissed it. He smiled as he wiped away his tears and reminisced of all the memories they had shared. Leaving the rose with the photo, he took a deep breath of composure, and moved to the front of the store. The minute he stepped through the door, whatever feelings of sentimental sadness he had had evaporated instantly and were replaced with ones of panic and alarm. Conan was standing in the middle of the room, his arm stretched out in front of him. But it was not the man that had made his heart race, but rather the weapon he held. Gideon's eyes flicked to the area behind the counter. His worse fears were recognised when he saw the pieces of floorboard and box strewn over the ground.
"I must say, this is a fine weapon." Conan grinned like the maniacal clown only found within a cheap circus, as he marvelled at the blade in his hand.
"What do you want with my father's blade?" Gideon hissed.
"Didn't he teach you anything? Never ask a man his business. Although I must admit, I do wish your old man were here to see this. How I would love to run him through with it. Or more specifically, how I would love her to run him through with it."
Gideon had heard enough. Grabbing the sword closest to him, he charged at the weasel, roaring and swinging the blade. There was a puff of grey smoke in Conan's hand, and suddenly Gideon felt the pain of his opponent's blade slicing between his ribs. But to his surprise, he felt nothing when he withdrew it from his flesh. With a gasp, Gideon collapsed on the floor. The world spun around him, and his vision was blurred. A pile of red liquid ran over the floor, and the sound of Conan's villainous laughter rattled around his skull. He rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. But instead of the roof of the shop, he saw the night sky, and every star in the galaxy twinkling in all their glory. Anyone in their right mind would've been filled with terror, but Gideon couldn't help but smile as a wave of peace washed over him. Suddenly, he felt no pain. It was as if it had never existed. The stars began to move, surrounding him with their heavenly light. The shop melted away around him. All his treasures, his magic, his memories. There was a light. It was so bright, as though the sun had come down from its perch in the sky to greet him. There were faces now. His mother and father smiled down at him, holding out their hands to him. When he said he would see them again someday, he hadn't imagined it would be this soon. Tears trickled down his face as his mouth curved into one last smile. Then he closed his eyes and sighed as his he left to be reunited with his parents once more.

Conan could not stop grinning as he held the Dark One Dagger in his hand. The young man who had been entrusted with its care had been weak, and easily disposed of. Now that phase one of his plan was complete, he could begin the next. The echoes of his footsteps on the stairs banged against the steel walls of his ship. There was a sudden sensation in his lungs, as though the oxygen was being sucked out of the air. With lungs heaving, he slowly approached the room. The thick, steel door creaked slowly open to reveal a void as black as a night without stars. Conan's eyes lit up with evil excitement as he thrust the dagger into the darkness and cried out a name. He struggled to keep his footing as the magic rushed into the dagger. As soon as it had begun, it was over. He couldn't help but laugh out loud as he read the name of the new Dark One.
"Sir?" a small voice squeaked. Conan whirled around to find one of his servants cowering at the foot of the stairs. He held a small, ornate silver tray.
"Come here, Gilderoy. Take this to my chambers." He ordered.
"Yes sir." Gilderoy scurried forward and held out the tray. Conan placed the dagger down gently, as though he were laying a baby down to sleep. Gilderoy tried to calm his shaking hands as he carried the dagger away from its papa. The dagger which would soon bring destruction to the United Realms. Or rather, control the person who would bring destruction to the United Realms. The person whose soul was now bound to the darkness. Whose name was now inscribed on the dagger itself.
Regina Mills.

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