Where Loyalties Lie

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"There they are! Catch them!" a voice cried.
"Hurry up, Henry!"
Hearts racing, legs pumping, chests heaving. Carmen, Lucas, Henry, and Rhydian could barely feel the pain in their lungs as the cold air came rushing in. The scent of pine was strong in the air as they ran through the forests of Everglade. Carmen chanced a glance over her shoulder and smiled with relief as she saw the torches of the Light Wing guards retreat further into the distance. But even though their enemy was falling back, they continued to run. She wanted to put as much distance between them as possible. After another ten minutes, they stopped on the edge of a small lake. It's waters rippled with the reflection of the full moon as she rose ever higher into the sky, beaming her gentle light down on those who slept peacefully during her night.
"Well that was fun." Henry laughed.
"It sure was. But know we have to get you back to the Enchanted Forest. You have a family to get back to. Tomorrow's the big day."
"I know. I'm going to miss you guys."
"We'll miss you too."
"Come with us. You'll be safe. We can fight Conan in Storybrooke. We have magic there."
"We know, mate. But we have to stay to make sure he doesn't ever set foot in Storybrooke." Rhydian explained.
"And besides, even if Conan wasn't the threat that he is, we still wouldn't be able to leave. This kingdom needs their rulers." Lucas added.
"I know."
"But hey. It's going to be okay. We'll see each other again. I promise." Carmen smiled, trying to hide the tears that pricked her eyes. She knew that her crew had no chance to hold off Conan's advance on the new realm. But had she promised her father that she would defeat Conan at all costs. Even if it meant saying goodbye to those she loved. "We love you, Henry. You're one of us, and always will be."
"Bring it in, mate." Rhydian choked. There wasn't a dry eye left as the four friends embraced for what they were sure was to be the final time.
"We'll see each other again. I promise." Carmen said.
"Can you promise that it won't be in death?"

"How can we possibly trust her? You heard what Conan said." David hissed, glaring at Carmen. She stood in her cell, her hands bound by the cuffs from Conan.
"That's her. The girl from the hospital. I'm sure it is." Regina replied.
"No one can heal from wounds like what she had as fast as she did. And where are her wings?" Emma reasoned.
"I don't trust her." David declared.
Regina huffed and shook her head. "Look, it's late. Let's all get some sleep and come down and question her in the morning."
"Alright. Emma, you want to lock up?" David asked.
"Sure." She answered. She sighed as David and Regina left the station.
"Emma." Carmen called softly.
"I don't talk to prisoners."
"Oh really?"
Carmen huffed in exasperation. "Alright, enough games." She snapped. Her voice had taken on a tone of desperation. Emma's built-in alarm system was going haywire.
"You can't trust Conan. Whatever he told you about the history of our realm is all a lie."
"Oh is it, now?"
"Then tell me. What really happened?"
"We were known as Winged Folk. The Light Wings and the Dark. We worked together to keep the light and dark in balance. Despite our names, each side dabbled in both. Each had seven kings who ruled. They in turn, were ruled by the High King. Everything was peaceful and prospering. Until one generation of Light Wing Kings were corrupted. Something had been hiding in the shadows, causing the darkness to grow. It turned them. They overthrew the High King and banished the Dark Wings. The other peoples sided with them."
"Other peoples?"
"Humans, elves, dwarves, other species. They were loyal to my people, but the Light Wings turned them against us."
"How did they manage that."
"What?" chuckled in disbelief. The more words that came out of this girl's mouth, the more insane the situation became. "Colours. Seriously?"
"The colours of good and the colours of evil. Their flags, their clothes. White, blue, gold. They took those colours and made themselves out as good, virtuous beings, swaying the minds of the other clans in the realm. It forced us to adopt the colours of evil. Black, red, purple. It made it difficult to gain support."
"That's...actually pretty clever."
"Aye. Conan was crowned as the High King a few years ago."
"Was he? Well, at least he's still looking out for his people, I guess."
"He said some of his people were swept up here by the curse, and he's trying to get them home."
"What? No! That's not true!"
"It's not?"
"Do you really think it was an accident that the High King of Everglade just so happened to be on the very outskirts of our realm when the curse struck? He knew it was coming, and he made sure he was there when it did."
"But why? What could he possibly want from this realm?"
"Did he say anything about a weapon that could defeat me?"
"He did. He said only the Dark One could."
"And the dagger?"
"It's hidden away in Gold's shop. Gideon is the only one who knows where it is and can get it."
"Why do you care?"
"In our realm there is a prophecy. A queen who has gone to the darkness and come back to the light will rule over all the realms of story. Her powers will be among some of the most powerful things in the land. If joined with darkness, they can be wielded as a most awesome weapon. For good or for evil, that is for the hand of the master to decide."
"Regina." Emma breathed.
"If Conan finds the dagger, he can turn Regina into the next Dark One. If he does, then we are all doomed."
"But he can't."
"The darkness, it's gone. It disappeared when Gold died."
"The darkness is never gone, Emma. It merely lies in wait for its next master to call it. Knowing Conan, he may have even brought some of the darkness from our land with him, harbouring it somewhere."
Emma couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"What's so funny?"
"This. All of it."
"This is no laughing matter."
"Why should I believe anything you say?"
"Use your superpower. Am I lying?
The laughter that had bubbled up quickly subsided, replaced by fear. Emma's heart was in her throat.
"Emma. You know I'm not lying. We need your help. If not for us, then do it for her."
Emma was torn. As crazy as it all sounded, the girl definitely wasn't lying. Emma turned away to consider her options. If she helped the girl, she could kill Regina and anyone else her heart desired. But if she didn't help her, Conan could turn Regina into the next Dark One. Perhaps this girl could help her protect Regina. It was risky, but Regina was family, and she would do anything for her.
"What do you need me to do?" she asked.
"Find my crew."
"The Wolf Gang?"
"They're probably out in the forest. They'll come and get me, but we'll need a place to hide afterwards."
"I'll hide you."
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet. I have a feeling it's only going to get worse."

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