Lost and Found

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"Carmen! Welcome! I cannot tell you how good it is to see you again."
"Hello, Hades." Carmen sighed. Of all the people her father could've sent her to negotiate with, Hades was the worst. She knew of his reputation, which involved drinking, villainy, and all-round sleaziness.
"Tell me, how it your father?" he asked, flinging his arm around her shoulders. The stench of alcohol on his breath almost knocked Carmen clean off her feet.
"He is well." She replied, lifting his arm off her. "He sends his regards. He would've come himself, but there was an issue at home that needed to be dealt with. I'm sure you can understand."
"Of course, of course. Now, I know you, Carmen. You're not one to beat around the bush. So shall we get on with it?"
A scroll suddenly appeared in his hand. Written on the yellowed paper was the Treaty of the Under Realm: the treaty between the Underworld, and Everglade. It had been sighed by every High King and Queen since Carmen the First had founded the kingdom five thousand years ago.
"Ladies first." He smiled.
Carmen resisted the urge to gag as she dipped the quill into the small jar of ink and scribbled her signature. Hades followed suit, and just like that, the business was done. The treaty had been signed and renewed for the next fifty years.
"There. Now, how about a drink?" Hades laughed, handing Carmen a goblet of thick, syrupy wine. "Made from the best wine stewards in Ancient Greece."
"I'm sure it was, and while a drink sounds fabulous, I must unfortunately decline. We have more matters of business to conduct. So if you'll excuse us, it's been a pleasure as always, Hades." Carmen bowed out, turning to leave with Rhydian and Jasper.
"Of course. Do say hello to my brother for me. And tell him I found one of his little toys." He chuckled.
Carmen's heart stopped. She turned slowly to see Hades holding what looked like a cucumber made out of crystal. It was white and radiated great amounts of magic.
"The Olympian Crystal." Rhydian breathed.
"Bloody hell."

"How am I here?" Robin asked as he looked around.
"What do you remember?" Carmen questioned.
"The last thing I remember was I was in Regina's office with Regina, and Hades was going to kill her with the crystal thing, and... wait, where is he?"
"Where's who?"
"Hades. I'm going to kill him!" he roared.
"Robin, Robin. Relax. He's dead."
"Yeah. Zelena killed him."
"Huh. Well, what do you know."
"Yeah, yeah. We know. Keep going."
"Well, that happened, then I jumped in the way and then I felt all tingly, and I turned around and saw Regina, and then everything went black. Next thing I know, I'm materialising in front of you. I wish he were still alive so I could wring his scrawny little neck for trying to... what's so funny?" he was slightly insulted as Carmen continued to laugh.
"I'm sorry, Robin. I've missed you. I'd give you a hug, but you're kind of dripping with Soul water. Rhydian, give the man a towel." She chuckled.
"I've missed you too, Carmen."
"Right. Now that he's out and dry, shall we get him back home?" Rhydian cut in, pulling out the jar from his coat.
"What's that?" Robin asked, eyeing the jar with suspicion.
"It's how we're getting you home." Henry replied. Then he frowned. He thought he could hear a phone ringing somewhere.
"Whose phone is that?"
"Oh, that's mine." Carmen chuckled. "Hello?"
The boys looked on with concern as her face contorted into a series of confused and surprised expressions, before finally coming to rest on one of seriousness. "Alright. Understood." She finished.
"What is it?" Rhydian pressed.
"We gotta go. Now."

"Regina, you can't." Emma begged.
"I know, but what about Henry?" Regina reasoned.
"We'll protect him."
"But we don't even know where he is. Conan could've already captured him, for all we know."
"He hasn't." Emma declared.
"How do you know?"
"If he had, he would've tried to strike a deal with you already."
"Well, we have to find him."
"And we will. But we need a plan." Killian said.
"No, we need to go in and kick Conan's ass until he tells us where Henry is."
"Regina, no!" Snow exclaimed.
"Well I'm not hearing any other ideas."
"But you said it yourself. We can't go rushing in based on a hunch." David reasoned.
"Like I care."
"Regina, how much sleep have you been getting?" Emma asked suddenly.
"None. How can I possibly sleep when both my niece and my son are missing?"
"Robyn? She's fine. I saw her the other day."
"Then why hasn't she come home?" Zelena snapped.
"Because of me. I scared her off." Regina huffed.
"Oh, come now Regina, you can't blame yourself." Snow said
"I don't care. And also don't care about what you think. I'm going after Conan. And you can't stop me."
"Regina, you're not thinking clearly." Emma called.
"Aren't I? Because I think this is the clearest thinking I've ever thought." She roared. Emma felt as though she had been slapped in the face. She blinked and gasped, as though she was finally seeing Regina clearly. Eyes, red and puffy, surrounded by circles of darkness. Cheeks, flushed pink and empty, as though she hadn't eaten for days. Emma knew she needed to be very careful with what she said next.
"Regina. Slow down. Go home and rest."
"You don't tell me what to do, Swan." She spat. "I don't need to rest. I need to find my son!" she roared. Her hands flew out, and a blast of magic hit Emma square in the chest, sending her flying into the wall.
"Regina!" Snow exclaimed, racing to her daughter's side.
"I don't... Emma, I'm...sorry...I" Regina stuttered. Emma looked into her friends eyes. Terror stared straight back. Regina moved forward, but then recoiled as if she had been burned.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, before turning and running out of the building.
"Regina!" Emma cried, and her chest exploded with pain.
"We need to get to the hospital." David said.
"No, we need to go after Regina."
"Emma, you're hurt."
"I'll be fine. She won't be. She's not thinking straight, and she's at her weakest. If Conan strikes now, we won't stand a chance. We have to find her." Emma grunted.
"Yes, and we will, but you're no good to anyone half alive. You worry about yourself, and I'll worry about my sister."
"Okay, fine. Just make sure you find her. And fast. It'll be dark soon."

Untitled Pt 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant