Epilogue: The End

Start from the beginning

Suddenly Rosie starts crying. "Aw baby, what's wrong?" I hear Amelia say as she lifts Rosie out the baby chair and wipes her mouth that has pancake crumbs on it. "Rosie plwy too." She says as she points to where the three kids ran off. "Aw, don't cry. Go play with them." She says and places Rosie on her feet. Rosie wobbles slightly but runs out the kitchen as fast and wobbly her one year old feet can take her.

Rosie learned to walk quite fast, taking her first steps on her first birthday just two months ago. "So who all are coming for dinner tonight?" Chase asks leaning on the counter next to me. "Well Lucas and Maddie are coming with Blake, my dad, Leslie and Josh might come. Daniel isn't coming since he had a last minute business trip and Jullie, David and Adrian might be coming. Of and also Adrian's girlfriend!" Amelia says listing off the people. "Aw man, we haven't seen Daniel in a long time. Last time we saw him was on christmas. Though I am glad Adrian is coming, it's been way too long since we saw him." And we all nod in agreement before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.


"Okay, the white dress or the blue one?" Amelia asks as she stands in front of and shows me both the dresses. "Any of them will look good on you." I mumble as I sit slightly from my position on our bed. "Come on choose one! Don't make this hard." She whines. I sit up completely and use her wrists to pull her towards me so that she is standing between my legs. "Don't stress out too much." I mumble wrapping my arms around waist and cuddling into her stomach. "How can I not stress out? Everyone comes in less than an hour and I have barely made anything!" She says as she runs her hands into my hair making me close my eyes at the feeling.

"Worst case scenario we have to order take out." I mumble. "Hmm." She mumbles. "What do you think about having baby number 4?" She asks after a moment. "You know I am gonna say no, I don't ever want you or I to experience what we went through during Rosie's birth. I almost lost you." I mumble.

During Rosie's birth things become complicated. Amelia went onto high risk pregnancy. It came to a point where the doctor asked me to choose who I would save if the situation went worse. And I threatened the doctor to save both of them or else the guy is dying himself. It was the worst moment of my life as I sat outside the room knowing my wife is fighting for not only her life but also our daughter's life in that operation theatre.

I cried, not being able to imagine my life without her and I chose Amelia, who glared at me telling me to choose the baby instead but I couldn't. I needed Amelia. And maybe the baby won't survive but we can always try for another one, I know it won't be the same and it would really hurt to lose a baby, but I needed her, both her other kids needed her. And I wasn't ready to ever let go of her.

But Luckily the doctors were able to save both and never in my life am I ready to put myself or her through that again.

"I admit it was scary, but it won't happen again." She whispers. "You can't guarantee that." I mumble holding her closer to me. She doesn't say anything, running her fingers through my hair. "MOMMY! DADDY!" We hear two voices scream, along with a little cry. I hear Amelia sigh. "Oh second thought, three kids are more than enough." She mumbles as she pulls away and opens the door to let our three monkeys in.

"What is it?" Amelia asks as she kneels down in front of our kids. "Tyler pulled Rosie's hair!" Ryder says pointing at his brother. "You lying bitch!" Tyler says and all of us become quiet, even Rosie who was crying stops and looks at her brother with curious eyes.

"Tyler! Who taught you that?" Amelia says with wide eyes. "Uncle Chase always says it." Tyler shrugs. I see Amelia sigh and look back at me and I chuckle. I walk to where the kids are and kneel in front of it. "Well, it's a bad word. A no-no word in fact and I don't want any of you using it okay?" I say with a raised eyebrow. "Sorry daddy." Tyler says. "It's alright. Now let's get you boys ready, while you mom gets Rosie ready hmm?" I ask and they nod. I get up and peck Amelia once before taking both the boys to their rooms to get ready.

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