Chapter 9

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Peace is one of the most important factors to live  a very healthy, normal life.

It is a state or period in which there is no war, or there is freedom from disturbance. It can be considered the perfect period of tranquillity.

Unfortunately, Lady Eirene was never really interested in the daily soap opera which transpires on Olympus, and usually preferred to stay with her mother Themis.

Which meant that peace was never an option at Olympus to begin with.

On extremely rare days when Lady Eirene would care to visit her father to at least assure herself of the rather disappointing fact that her father hadn't yet faded away, Olympus would have that golden peace when the inhabitants of the heavenly abode would come out and check whether Lord Apollo had made a mistake to start his journey on his ferari across the skyline from the west.

Since this day was one of the general 'not-so-lucky' days of Olympus, the Gods of the Heavenly Abode were engaged in a rather amusing situation.

A highly dangerous, panic worthy, and worrisome situation which was quickly spiralling out of control.

But it was amusing nonetheless.

"Did you see my Master Bolt?!"

"Did you see my Helm of Darkness?!"

"Hades I swear-"

"Stop with your paranoia Zeus, I myself don't know where is my symbol of power. Don't get me started with your baseless accusations."

"Father we must think this through very carefully. Only a powerful enemy half blood would dare to steal the two symbols of power of two of the big three. We must make battle strategies."

"Should I send my hunt on the search for the traitor?"

"War!! Finally!! About damn time!!"

"I told you that the brats in the camp are insufferable to begin with. Why don't we destroy that whole thing and be done with it?"

"I can try to get the answer out of the male campers by luring them by my perfection. The boys have nicely filled out and I wouldn't mind taking my pick among them."

"If you both had just eaten your cereals, then you might have been able to pay more attention!!!"

"Shut up about your cereals, woman!!"


The loud rumble of Thunder and the irritated twitching of eye of the King of Heavens caused the Olympian Council to fall silent.

"Now, does anyone has anything to add or ask something?"

Every hand went up.

"Alright, anyone that has questions other than asking the location of our symbols of power which we already don't know, and offering stupid  solutions?"

All the hands went down.

Zeus sighed in irritation, with Hades looking resignedly at his youngest brother. "We will never find our weapons at this rate."

Zeus sarcastically looked at his second eldest sibling. "Tell me about it."

Athena sighed. "Not only do we have the case of missing weapons of mass destruction to attend, but also have to deal with a missing Hermes."

"A certain missing twin of mine too.", Artemis added with a hint of worry.

"The sun has not risen as of yet, and it is 9 in the morning already!! Apollo and Hermes are missing, as are the other two symbols of power of the big three, and we have an enemy half blood to catch up with. Sounds fun.", Dionysus summarised with a scoff.

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