Chapter 8

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As Atlantis never had the rays of the sun reach beneath the waves and to the depths where it was located, telling the time at a certain period was almost impossible.

It was almost as if the time itself did not exist in the beautiful city.

As a result, the God of the Seas held the Royal Court whenever the mood struck him, hating the bunch of paperwork that his trustworthy lieutanant Delphin always piled up on his desk with a smile.

Poseidon always had his family by his side during these meetings, in a show of silent support. All of them had their own thrones and their input in the conversation that flowed in the room was always appreciated.

Just like the Royal Court he was holding right now.

The only slight change in the Court arrangement was at the Royal Dias, where now another throne decorated with Sea Green gem stones and pearls was present on Poseidon's right side. On his left sat his wife, and on her other side, his heir.

Unfortunately, the new throne is too big for its occupant, and henceforth remained empty, as the person for whom the throne was made for found another more comfortable seat, and had stubbornly refused to be seated elsewhere.

In other words, Poseidon's lap.

The daughter of the Sea God had already started showing the symptoms of ADHD that demigods were famous for, and could not sit still in one place for more than three seconds. However, the Dyslexia was curable, and as the Crown Princess of Atlantis, the power of the Sea had taken care of that tiny problem.

The little princess continued to play with her new guppy and the baby turtle that her father had gifted her for her fourth birthday, while said father had her little bluish green tail in a gentle yet firm grip to keep his daughter from fidgeting as he wrapped up the court for the day.

"So, in a summary, we are going to open the academic institutions for merpeople, and will have to work on securing the city borders even more firmly.", Delphin addressed the Royal Court.

"Yay!! More guppies!!", Atlanta cheered.

Poseidon smiled at his adorable daughter.

"Indeed. Is there anything anyone would like to add, or have anymore issues to address?", Poseidon asked his Court, with an expression which clearly said that there was only one answer to the question.

"No, my Lord.", came the chorus of answers.

"Very well. The session is closed for now.", Poseidon loudly announced before slamming his Trident down, marking the end of the session.

The doors of the Throne Room swung open, and with a curtsy, all the courtiers started to leave. Triton swam away to greet his friends, who were actually his valets, who waited outside for him, while Delphin swam close to Poseidon once he managed to control his cheeky little fishling's bout of hyperactivity and stepped down from the dias.

"Princess Atlanta!!", the little mermaid who was following Delphin called out excitedly.

In the period between the arguement on Olympus and Atlanta's first birthday, Poseidon had appointed seventy handmaidens, eleven ladies in waiting, thirty kitchen maids, fifty one tutors, twenty seven trainers, sixty five personal guards, fourteen stable boys and ninety three servants for other general everyday tasks to help in the overall development of his little princess.

But if somebody asked Atlanta, the second-best gifts that her daddy gave to her were her favourite sword Anaklusmos, which stood for Riptide, her back up sword Kataigidamegálokýma, which stood for Stormbreaker, and her seven pegasi who pulled her chariot, among whom Pearl, Porkpie, and most importantly, Blackjack were her favourites. Her best gifts were of course, her mommy, elder brother Triton, her mum in the mortal world, and her daddy. He was her ultimate, absolute favourite, and no one could convince her otherwise.

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