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credit to @/lihllie and @/ks.writing
(on tiktok) for the poems!!

maeve and harley casually strolled into AP english, thankfully mr withers always had the door unlocked in the mornings when he wasn't in the room yet. both girls took their own seats and talked before the bell went and everyone else started piling into the room, including mr withers. 

"good morning ladies and gents!" the teachers perky voice said, half the class was unusually perky for mornings and the other half just groaned in response - maeve being part of the other half.

"today we're spending the period writing a poem about something we're struggling with or something you used to struggle with. it could be like the poem we studied last lesson that was about anxiety or it could be something else. it's completely up to you, just no silly things." the curly haired man spoke sweetly.

maeve smiled widely at her teacher, she loved writing poems in english. it was one of the things she actually liked in school. 

after about forty minutes of editing, crossing out words, finding better words and perfecting their poems, majority of the class was finished and letting their desk partners read the poems. 

"right, two people in this room are going to come up and present because when i was walking around i heard some amazing poems but these two ladies poems have a very special meaning," mr withers spoke then pointed a finger at maeve and then harley. the two glanced at each other and smiled before walking to the front of the class. 

harley nudged maeve, "you go first." remedy nodded and walked a few steps in front of harley so the attention was on her.

"okay so mine's about self love, something i know not only me but a lot of people are struggling with." maeve introduced her poem before inhaling and starting.

"i want to be loved like the moon loves the sun,
i want to be held like a nest in a gutter but a place where rain is no such thing.
i want to be adored, like when the clouds watch the birds as they soar.
i want to be safe, like dew drops
when they're bubbled on top of daffodil leaves, sleeping underneath the willow tree.
i want to feel complete.
like when you were a child and the wet grass tickled your bare feet,
there's blood on your knee and you pay no attention because you're safe in your mothers arms.
and. oh no.
i know how this one goes
i'm walking down a road that has no end
i'm reading the signs say please turn around my friend,
but the thing is, it's too late for me now.
so i'll crawl on my hands and knees.
use this last bit of energy to find the love that's already in me.
i learned to love myself before anyone else,
i'll be the moon to my sun until my time on this road is done."

the entire class had the same expression of awe before they applauded for the dark haired girl who just blushed and wiped the small tear that almost fell down her face.

"that was beautiful maeve, thank you." mr withers whispered as she went to sit back in her seat waiting for her friend to speak.

"wow, don't know how i'm gonna beat that but here we go." harley laughed making everyone else chuckle, "mines basically like a letter to my twelve or thirteen year old self."

"my darling, young harley,
hi little one.
it's you, but older.
yes, the one who you thought would be an astronaut or vet.
sadly, i'm neither ━ still in school at the moment.
i am a pretty cool person to be fair.
i just wanted to say that, i know you feel pressured to fit in,
to be normal, to be society's idea of the perfect little child.
annoyingly innocent,
unrealistic imagination,
but honey, you are none of those.
you are smart, creative and so mature.
so let me tell you this.
the world will want you to look a certain way,
act a certain way, dress a certain way. but do whatever
your little heart desires, little one.
people will destroy your dreams.
they will tell you that unicorns, santa and magic don't exist.
but don't you dare believe them. and darling,
your world will crumble over and over again.
there will be days where i will fail you,
and i deeply apologize. but you, little one,
need to remember that there's always a new day.
you only have so much childhood, so don't spend it
living up to other's unrealistic expectations.
and please love yourself. at times, you will be your most harsh critique.
do me a favor and tell grandma and grandpa you love them,
because they wont be around forever.

with all the love you could ever imagine, and more,

with her eyes trained to the roof not wanting to cry in front of anyone, harley waited for her teachers response and she smiled and walked back to her seat.

"damn lee and mae, that was brilliant!" noah exclaimed as she took a seat opposite him.

remedy and monico smiled brightly at him and thanked him before turning to louis' table. harley gave her friend a shocked face and thumbs up before turning back to the teacher while louis smiled at the brunette girl in awe. 'that was incredible, love' he mouthed to her, to which she just blew a kiss to him.

the bell went and maeve and harley both had the same idea, tackling each other in a hug. "you did so well, lee!" maeve spoke enthusiastically. harley gushed and hugged her friend tighter.

"yeah well you did even better babe!" monico laughed.

after the two let go louis partridge came behind maeve and wrapped him arms around her waist from behind.

"holy shit maevie. didn't know you were that talented." he teased making maeve pat his cheek happily before the trio walked away to their next class they also had together, science.

okay, i really loved these poems and i
thought it would be fun to include them.
i love free writing poems sometimes, so i
got maeve to like that as well LMAO.
i hope you guys liked this chapter, the next or
the one after the next might be the end but it depends
on how much i'll write. i love y'all so much and thank
you for the support! have a great day/night/afternoon! 


━ mal x

𝗔𝗙𝗙𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 , louis partridge. [✓]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz