At the window Kisara can be seen smirking as she shook her head.


"DING DONG" Naruto ringed the gate of the huge compound as he was surprised.

Kiba picked up the doorbell as he asked who it was

"It's Naruto sorry I'm late" Kiba sounded happy as he gestured Naruto to come in.

Naruto went inside the gate as he came inside the compound. He came to the front door as he knocked again.

Kiba answered the door "Hey man come in" Naruto came in as he then took of his shoes because Kiba asked him to.

Naruto raised his eyebrows "weren't we going to train today Kiba" Kiba laughed "Nah we should do that another time and besides you look tired"

He was right because Kurenai's training and Kakashi's mission took a lot out of him.

"Then I should go" Naruto was about to go but Kiba insisted he should stay and chill

"Hey man you stink have a one is here today my sis is at her vet, Mum's out and Akamaru is out playing" Naruto nodded as he planned to have a shower anyway and asked if he was allowed.

"Man...can't believe you act like this tornado your different to what people described you as" laughed Kiba as Naruto twitched comically.

Kiba then went inside a room and asked Naruto that he likes music by which Naruto responded that any was fine so the dog boy turned on the music as he sang along

He's a stranger to some and a vision to none

He can never get enough, get enough of the one

For a fortune, he'd quit but it's hard to admit

How it ends and begins on his face is a map of the world

A map of the world, on his face is a map of the world

A map of the world

"Hey Kiba never knew you liked 30 seconds to mars!" said Naruto who smirked

"What you like it too" Naruto nodded at the Inuzuka as he pumped his fist in the air "WE SHOULD TOTALLY SWAP MUSIC" Naruto smiled and nodded in agreement wanting to see what kind of songs Kiba liked.

Kiba then went in the his room and then threw a towel at him "Go have a shower...this bit is my favourite part" As then Kiba turned the music up then he sang

From yesterday, it's coming

From yesterday, the fear

From yesterday, it calls him

But he doesn't wanna read the message here

Naruto just shook his head and ignored the boy as he went upstairs.

He came up to the bathroom door as he then went inside not knowing that there was a towel and someone was already showering thanks to the loud music.

Naruto got undressed as he threw his clothes on an empty box while he held his towel not noticing someone already got out of the shower.

The person was Inuzuka Hana as she was drying her hair. She was naked from head to toe when she heard the loud music beating downstairs she gritted her teeth "Damn Kiba and his music" Naruto tensed as he froze at her voice.

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