Chapter 22: We're Doing Date Night Bitches

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"Okay, here's what's going to happen." Guinevere said for the fifth time in the last two days as she waltzed into the loft where the pack was meeting to discuss the new perimeter checks that they had to work around the new police patrols. "We're going to do date nights because if we're doing this, I'm getting as many free meals as I can. Plus, I don't eat much so factor in leftovers and I'm good until Halloween. You guys are going to come up with an order and then every free weekend, someone is taking me on a date. I'm going to all the lacrosse games, you're coming to all my soccer games, and I don't know, I'll visit you at work or something." She looked to Jordan and Derek, getting amused smiles in response. "Date nights for the foreseeable future, so be prepared." She concluded.

"We can work with that." Scott said, nodding once to show his agreement to her terms. She nodded back and moved like she was going to leave before turning back to them once more.

"Also, I'm fairly reasonable, so if you can't come to a game for whatever reason, you know, late shift or ogre smashing up half of town like Godzilla, it's all chill." She told them, moving her hands as she spoke.

"We'll keep that in mind." Derek said, smiling lightly as he shifted his weight a bit.

"Great. I'm going home now." She announced as she pulled her tank top down a bit from where it had ridden up when she was moving her hands, turning and leaving the loft smoothly.

"Finish the patrol and then work on dates or abandon the patrol immediately?" Stiles asked, breaking the awkward silence that hung in the loft for a few seconds after Guinevere's departure.

"Abandon the patrol immediately." Isaac and Jordan said at the same time, everyone else nodding their agreement after they tried to act like they were going to do the responsible thing and finish the patrol.

"We will work on this," Erica butted in, grabbing the schedule Stiles had been working on as Boyd grabbed the map and Liam stood up, "you guys do your thing."

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