Timeskip/ house tour

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(Sorry for big time skip, let me know if you want the call chapter. I might make it into a special chapter. Enjoy a photo. credits to the creator.)

Ash POVThe call had just ended and we all were in bed going to sleep I cuddled up closer to Toorū tonight, and Koushi slept next to me also

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The call had just ended and we all were in bed going to sleep I cuddled up closer to Toorū tonight, and Koushi slept next to me also. (Can someone draw this for me?)

Timeskip to morning
It was morning now, so I had to take vitals. I quickly took meds and went to the kitchen to find something that had sugar, since I hadn't had any since yesterday at lunch. Koushi must have known because on the table there was a note.

Hey Ash, I figured since we didn't have dinner last night, you might be low on blood sugar. I left some crepes with a little extra sugar in them so you won't collapse. Oikawa doesn't have practice today, so you can have a day with him. I should be back at 3, there's curry in the fridge for lunch, so make sure Toorū eats some. :) See you soon
-Love, Koushi

I sat down at the table and quickly ate some crepes. I was eating my last crepe when I got a call. I looked at the caller ID.  Baldy. I thought back to late last night in the video call

'Oh, yeah, I remember him now' I quickly answered the phone, hoping I didn't waste to much time

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'Oh, yeah, I remember him now' I quickly answered the phone, hoping I didn't waste to much time. I turned the phone towards me and talked.


Tanaka-Hey Ash, just trying to figure out the time difference. What time and day is it for you?

-it's Friday in the morning. About 8:30.

-alright, it's like 4:35 in the afternoon over here.

I took a bit of my crêpe.
-Oh sorry, are you eating?!

-yeah, this is the last one, your fine.

-okay, as long as your fine with that. Anyways, what are you doing after you eat?

-I actually don't know, maybe I'll see if Kawa will take me on a house tour since I've only been in certain parts of the house.

Beeeeeeeeeep, beep, beep beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeep!

-sorry about that. I look at Tanaka sheepishly
-hope I didn't wake up Oikawa...

-your good, what was that anyways?
-it was my blood sugar monitor. It's letting me know there's a mass amount of sugar entering, and to be careful of what I eat.

-do you have high blood sugar problems?

-yeah, I'm surprised you noticed! Most people don't know until I tell them I have it. Since I didn't eat since lunch yesterday, I need more sugar this morning then I do on other days. We didn't have dinner because we were on video call almost the whole night.

-yeah sorry about that, noya and I are talkers.

I started to hear Oikawa get up and get ready.

-looks like Oikawa is up.
-yeah, I heard the door from here, and I'm in Japan.

-haha, only because were on a call. I laughed
-ha, yeah.

-Goodmorning Ash. Oikawa walked into the room, planted a kiss on my lips and put his head on my shoulder

-Who's this?... oh, hello Tanaka.
-hey king!


-my nickname was the grand king in highschool.

Kitty Hacker 🐱 has joined the call
-Kuroo, can you tell Bokuto to shut u- who are you, then how and why am I in this call?
~All in sync~
-I don't know.
-I'm ash, but who are you, kuroo, and whatever the other persons name, Bukto- or whatever?

-they're volleyball players from Nekoma and Fukoradani - Is bokuto trying to convince Akashi penguins can fly?

-yeah, also I'm Kenma. Sorry for my rudeness earlier. I'm going to TRY to call kuroo again. Sorry for disturbing all of you.

Kitty Hacker 🐱 has left the call

-Well enno's waking up now, I should go. It was nice talking to you guys again even if Suga isn't there. See ya!

Baldy has left the call-

You are the only one left on call hang up?
You clicked Yes.
Now ending call.

I shut my phone off and turned towards Toorū.

"Official Good Morning to you. Do you have practice?"

"No, we had the day off, so we can certainly cuddle with each other if you want"

"I was actually going to ask if you could take me on a house tour!"

"Sure. =)

Hey, quick a/n sorry not sorry I haven't been updating? I've been uploading other stories to Commaful you can find me at @h1s0ka

That's a one and a zero for the I and o.

Teacher sugawara x oikawa x male oc [⚠️D I S C O N T I N U E D⚠️]Where stories live. Discover now