Going back

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I woke up around 5:30 and decided to get up. Oikawa was fast asleep beside me kind of close, so I carefully moved off the bed we all slept in. I went to the bathroom to use the restroom and to fully wake up by splashing cold water on my face I walked into the kitchen where Koushi was at

"Morning, how good did you sleep?"

"Mornin, pretty good. We're going to have to get my Clothes from the apartment later."

"We can do that after school" he walked close to me and gave me a quick kiss and went back to making lunch and breakfast for all three of us.

"What are you making?"

"Crepes for breakfast, then Rice balls and Onigiri for lunch. Oikawa will probably wake up in about half an hour, so I usually make his lunch before mine."

"Does Oikawa practice the whole day or what?"

"Depends on if his coach is nice or not. Yesterday he was later than normal, so his coach was probably in one of his moods."

"Alright." Koushi finished lunches and started to make breakfast for all three of us.   


I looked down at my indicator.

"Oh, forgot to take meds. I'm going to go do that real quick."     I walked to my med bag and grabbed my meds and my blood checker. I went to the living room, so I wouldn't bother Kawa and wake him up on accident.

'Blood sugar is normal'.     I put my meds back in my bag quickly and went back to the kitchen quietly.

"Kawa should be waking up soon, so we can all eat when he wakes up. Do you have everything you need for school?"

"Yeah, bandit just needs his vest and balancer on, and he should be good."  I said.

10 minutes went by and I heard someone walk into the kitchen, put there arms around me and lay there head on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Kawa looking at the food Koushi was making.

"Morning Kawa."       "Mornin..."           "Are you still tired?"       "A little bit."   I pat his head and go back to watching Koushi cook breakfast.

It's about 6:15 and Kawa had to go to Volleyball Practice.

"Bye Ko, bye Ash." He gave us both a quick kiss before he went out and went to practice.

"I just noticed, that my fist kiss with Kawa."

"Wait until he's fully up and you two are both more comfortable with kissing each other. He's a pretty passionate kisser."

It was about time to go to school, so I quickly got Bandits med bag for me, and got the balancer clipped on. Bandit just needed his vest on since the balancer was all set. I finally got it on him after a couple minutes of struggling. Koushi and I were ready to go to school. He drove us there for a little longer than before because we were dating, and we talk a lot anyways.

Ko and I walked into the school together and went towards the room. Like I said before, the walk to the room is about a two minute walk. Half way there, we ran into the Family Relations Teacher.

"Morning Mr. Sugawara, Asher." We looked over at Mr. Thistleboom.


"Didn't know you two were a thing, if I remember correctly, teacher and student relationships are prohibited."

"Sorry to crush your spirits, but we aren't together. We were at school late talking, and he offered to let me stay at his house. Besides, he has a significant other already." I told him.

"Well did you use the condom I gave all of you yet?"

"No, and I don't plan on that for a long time." Koushi looked at me like I was crazy. We finally got to the math room and I sat down by him.

"So want to tell me about the condom situation?"

"Thistleboom gave all the seniors a condom yesterday, because he got to many from a convention he went to. I was going to give it to you if you needed it or whatever, but I passed out, so I didn't have a chance too."

"Alright, you might want to head over to the science room since it's almost 7:50."

"Alright, bye Ko."

"When we're alone like this, you can call me other things you know?"

"Yeah, I was being careful, see ya in 8th hour babe"

"See ya."  The day went by pretty smoothly other than me passing out in 6th hour it was all well it was the end of the day, I was in Koushi's room and my freinds were in there with me.

"Hey Ash, how do you know Mr. Sugawara?"

Teacher sugawara x oikawa x male oc [⚠️D I S C O N T I N U E D⚠️]Where stories live. Discover now