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hendery really did try his hardest to take down notes during the lecture, but his brain just wouldn't let him pay attention.

he'd look everywhere around the room - the windows, the desks, the blackboard, the pretty stranger sitting in the corner.

that was mostly what he stared at, he couldn't help himself.

he could only see half of his face since he sat near the wall, but he could see enough to know that he was pretty.

he had thick, sharp eyebrows that accentuated his pretty brown eyes. he had a sharp jawline, but his chubby-ish cheeks rounded out his face nicely.

of course, hendery had seen pretty people before - hell, one of yangyang's best friends was one of the prettiest people he'd seen on campus.

the stranger was a different kind of pretty. he just couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew that he was different.

"all right, lecture over. you're all free to leave." mr. wang uttered.

hendery hadn't even heard the sound of people packing their bags and shuffling out of class.

"dery, let's go. i want to go get mcdonald's, i'm starving-" yangyang paused, seeing that hendery wasn't following him.

"hendery, c'mon, i'm hungry." hendery continued to stare, much to yangyang's annoyance.

yangyang shook him violently, making hendery yelp. hendery looked up at yangyang, his cheeks beginning to blush a bright pink.

yangyang's eyes trailed up to where hendery had been looking. he began to snicker, soon breaking out into a full-blown cackle. hendery furrowed his eyebrows.

"what?" yangyang wiped away a fake tear.

"dude, you were totally staring!" hendery quickly shoved his things into his bag.

"was not-" he mumbled.

"was too! bro, you were staring him down. i'm surprised he didn't think you were a creep and run away, he's still here."

he was, indeed, still there. in fact, he was looking at them. hendery couldn't see it very well, but he was sure that his face was pink.

the stranger packed his things, stepping away from his desk and out into the aisle.

he walked past the two, giving a small wave before exiting the class. the two stayed quiet for a moment, watching him leave.

"he's so cute," hendery said quietly, bringing his bag up to his shoulder. yangyang snickered a bit, rolling his eyes they made their way out of the room.

they sat in a corner booth of the small mcdonald's near their campus. yangyang had ordered a big mac, while hendery only ordered fries.

hendery had been spacing out while yangyang was talking to him about some type of beat pattern, instead looking out towards the window.

he stared at the sun, the slightly tinted windows sparing his eyes a bit. his eyes were slowly beginning to unfocus before yangyang snapped out of his trance.

"hendery? god, you really don't pay attention. i've been talking this whole time." yangyang let out a huff, crossing his arms over his chest and sinking into his seat.

"sorry, yang.. m'gettin distracted again." He reached up to rub the back of his reddening neck.

they continued to eat, hendery choking on his fries every now and then.

that's when he saw him.

he felt like he was going to choke on air.

the same stranger from his music theory class.

he was wearing different clothes from earlier, switching from his thrown-together outfit into one that was quite nice.

he wore a large white sweater with a pretty red scarf draped over his neck, with cream-colored jeans and brown boots to match.

hendery watched him as he ordered his food, mouth agape with a fry hanging out.

yangyang rolled his eyes. he snapped in front of his face to try and gain his attention.

yangyang eventually gave up, letting out a huff. hendery was totally gone.

he thought that he was so pretty, he couldn't help but stare. he finally blinked after a few seconds, confused when he saw that the stranger was no longer there.

suddenly, an unfamiliar face popped into his field of vision. he let out a yelp, backing away from the figure.

it was another stranger. he didn't know him very well, but he knew that he knew yangyang.

he looked younger, almost as if he was in high school. he had a cute round face with pretty, curly brown hair draping his face.

"i saw you staring at my friend." he giggled a bit, making some of hendery's apprehension fade away.

"s-sorry, i didn't mean to stare-"

"it's fine. it was cute. he thinks you're cute, too. he wanted me to tell you." he gave them a small wave before going off to his little group of friends.

hendery's more familiar stranger's face turns red, frantically hitting the boy who'd come over to the table.

hendery giggled a bit, finally peeling his attention away from the stranger. he let out somewhat of a dreamy sigh, making yangyang scoff.

"c'mon, our next class starts in a few, loverboy."

𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴. || ˣⁱᵃᵒᵈᵉʳʸ;Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora