Alex Albon - This is my show I. (AU)

Start from the beginning

A company car was already waiting for him in one of the parking spots, even though he had his own everyday car to get to work and then back home. It was easier to have a separate one that was upgraded for runaway action and also could be followed by Lando back in the office, to make sure he was actually fine, than wrecking and having to replace his own one. That would have been a bit obvious to both his family, friends and probably the neighbours who knew him as an everyday writer with a boring worker's life. However careful he was, there were sacrifices he had to make while bailing, and the car was the smallest damage to the whole operation. He still tried to stay away from trouble, but when it was a main part in your everyday life, you couldn't run forever from it catching you.

Arriving at the well known building Alex parked down his car and made sure everything was on him before locking the vehicle and walking up the big stairs. The media pass granted him access without a second look from the security guards, and he was already in the main showing room in seconds. As Alex actually enjoyed art shows and museums he didn't really mind having to pretend for a few hours, walking around the recommended route and taking notes of the paintings for his articles as well as of cameras and security setups. The thin crowd in the rooms and the fact that it was still only an early access day for media personnel was all the advantage he needed to get a whole picture of the little areas. Just as everyone was advised to gather together in the main hall for a drink and opening speech he was standing right next to the door that was also highlighted on his little map. It was an entrance to the behind the stage hallways and rooms that somehow fell out of view on every ceiling mounted camera. He just had to make sure there weren't any security guards or nosy colleagues around him as he swiped the card over the little reader.

With a last quick look behind himself, making sure no one actually saw him, he stepped through the doorway, pulling it closed behind himself. With a sigh of relief he pulled out the map again, making sure he didn't miss the room he had to get inside from the long hallway. Pushing the paper back into his pocket, he was already walking down to the highlighted room, hoping that security would be as overwhelmed by the huge gathering in the main room as they were informed they usually are. Stepping inside the room was another checkpoint, his focus turning towards finding the papers that would tell him the planned schedule and also some passwords to the place. It took him time to find everything, a rush of adrenaline hitting him at every sound from the outside but luckily no one felt like opening the door onto him. He scribbled everything important down, into his notebook making it seem like just a normal part of the article he planned on writing as a review of the place. It was a perfect way of being safe about anyone checking his stuff out if he somehow gets caught before leaving the part that was closed off to everyday guests.

" Hey, shouldn't you be in the main hall? " Alex was just a few steps away from the door, thanking all his luck that the guard didn't stumble around the corner while he was stepping out from behind it.

" I was in the bathroom and missed the announcement most likely. " Alex smiled at him, hoping he won't throw too many questions at him and confuse him into his own lies. " Where can I find them? " He asked, following the guard when he fortunately guided him through the rooms without another word. Alex joined the group of people there, trying to blend in as well as he could, gettin any kind of attention off himself.

At the first given chance he was among the first ones leaving the building, hoping no one caught onto his actions from a few minutes earlier, walking into the car park and finding his vehicle. Even though he wasn't close to getting caught he could never truly feel safe until all steps of the plan were completed and he was already on his way home. He had to be careful as people following him home was still a possibility, making him take a lengthy route home, parking the car far away from his own block and just walking the remaining distance, mostly taking thin and dark alleyways whenever possible. When he was finally inside his own building, stepping inside the elevator, he pulled out his phone sending a 'Good night!' text to George, signaling that he was fine and everything went well. They could never know when their rivals could see into their phones or online profiles, forcing them to talk in code whenever they had to discuss any kind of events that included their life behind the one they showed to most people. Alex was just one cog in a huge machine that represented George's underworld corporation, but losing him could cause immense damage to the stability of the group that kept them over all the other rival groups.

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