Chapter 2

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Hey c: tysm for reading my fanfic. I honestly thought I would only get like 1 read. Sorry I had writers block today but next update will be a good chapter. You can count on it 💋

Twitter : @/perfectnorman_
Instagram : @/perfectnorman_


I rubbed my eyes and looked out my window. Someone was outside on my deck. I screamed a high pitched scream. That got the person's attention. He turned around and I noticed it was just Jace. I walked over to the deck door to let him in.

"God damn it Norman. Why do you scare me like that." I lightly slapped him on his arm. I giggled slightly.

"You should've seen your face when you woke up!" Jace laughed.

After his laugh break he started to say ,"The Henry Danger cast is going to the pool today, well at least the kids are. Wanna come?" Well I didn't want to intrude but at the same time, I haven't hung out with Jace in a couple months.

"Uhm sure. When are you leaving?" I questioned.

"Well as of now, 10 minutes." He replied .

"Great. I only have 10 minutes to change and get ready. Go wait downstairs in the living room until I'm done . Kay?" I told Jace. I scurried out of my room while grabbing a cute strapless teal swimsuit to change into. I also grabbed a floral crop top and high wasted shorts.

I thought about Jace while I was getting ready. The more time I didn't spend with him, there were more things I realized about him. Like how he laughs and how when he blushes, his whole face turns super red. Or how cute he looks when smirking and smiling. The way he eats and the way he grins. The way he poses for a selfie and the way he jams out to music. I suddenly realized something more. Did I have a crush on my best friend?

Everything became blurry and I was extremely dizzy. I sat down for a second, then thought to myself, 'if I liked him, why didn't I realize it earlier?' I just told myself that I'm thinking like this because I don't spend that much time with him anymore. I stood back up and took my thoughts off of Jace. I looked at myself one last time to make sure I was ready. Then, I headed downstairs to find Jace so we could go swimming.

For the whole day, I kept my distance from Jace. It was because of those thoughts. No matter how much I distracted myself, the thoughts that I have a crush on Jace keeps coming back. I felt mixed emotions about this. I felt relieved but frightened. I was worried that I was going insane. Knowing Jace for 6 years already, he noticed something was going on. He kept eyeing me at the pool, but he minded his own business. My mind was buzzing from so many thoughts I sat out after splashing and laughing for only 30 minutes. I spent the rest of my day scrolling through social media.

Cooper dropped Jace and I off at Jace's house. Jace walked me home. We live about 5 minutes away from each other. It was mostly silent and undisturbed while we walked.

Jace played around with his fingers when while he accompanied me. It's never really been this awkward with him. He finally spoke.

"Soo." Jace uttered.

"It was a fun day." I said back. Jace stopped in his tracks. I turned and stared at him.

"I have something to confess." My heart began to race. Why was I so nervous? Did he like another girl? Does he know I'm crushing on him?

"What.." I asked him curiously. I started to sweat. He hadn't even said anything, yet it was so nerve racking. He hesitated for a minute.

"When I was ten years old, I was the one that drew on your face, not your brother." Jace burst out in laughter. He walked me home all the way. Before I went inside, I gave Jace a really tight hug. We just stood outside, rocking back and forth for about a minute.

"Cya soon." Jace smiled.

"Alright. Bye loser ." I smirked. He jogged back to his house.

I knew Jace better than he knew himself. I could tell he was hiding something. What exactly did he have to tell me today? And why did he use a lame story to cover it up? What did he have to tell me 2 years ago? Why is this kid such a mystery?

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