Special Chapter - Someone He Can Trust

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He finally turned to me, "Death is something even I don't have monopoly on, death is part and parcel of life. I couldn't stop matsuo's death even if I wanted to, so I don't feel guilt at all. "

At those words I froze, how could he be so casual about death. Does he even know how I felt? I understand he has not had a bright childhood himself but does that make mine any less significant.

"You... why are you trying to expel me... I told you didn't I. I have no interest in telling your secrets to anyone." I said gritting my teeth.

He turned towards me and said those words, which proved that he never considered me as a friend.

"I don't trust you and probably I never will."

I grabbed his collar; he didn't make any move to stop me.

"You... then all this time we met and talked, was that all a lie?" I asked him the dreading question. If he was to say 'Yes' than I don't think I could move on from this.

I looked at him to which he stared with no emotions and said,

"Yes, I've never trusted you, or anyone else."

My voice broke, so did my hold on his collars. Tears were threatening to fall but I held myself and asked, "Am I just like everyone else, a mere pawn for you?"

To which he just kept silent, I wanted to hear it from him. But he didn't speak at all. I stood up wiping my tears and was about to exit when he spoke in a voice only audible to me,

"I would be lying to myself if I said, you were just a mere pawn for me."

I turned back to look at him, he was no longer looking at me and was busy staring at the setting sun.

"Kamuro, don't let your past define you. I've tried my best to escape from my past, but I can't find the courage to. It has now become a part of me. I'm scared to lose the only thing which defines me."

I looked at him as he said those words. That was a very simple advice, but hearing it from him was different. It was as if he had planned for all this, he knew what to say at which moment.

He walked towards me, and stood in front of me with those cold eyes, "I can't trust you, so I can't let you stay in this school. So, save yourself while you can, or you will lose everything in the process."

With those words he walked away, leaving me looking at the sun which had now almost set.

He was right but, "Ayanokouji Kun..."

His footsteps stopped; he was listening.

"You are right, I should really leave my past, behind shouldn't I?"

I didn't hear any answer, nor I wanted to. I just wanted him to listen.

"Then why can't you?" I asked and turned towards him. His back was still facing me. He kept silent not answering me.

I laughed genuinely in a month; how naïve I was. He was right, why was I still stuck in my past? I have always hated my past, then why was I clinging to it? Why not just let it all go?

And so, I let it all go away, and finally faced Ayanokouji Kun with determined eyes,

"Ayanokouji Kun, you are trapped in a cage, and the key is in your own hands, you just have to grab it and open it. Why are you still hesitating?"

Yes, I've been naïve all this time along. Why was I denying my feelings for Ayanokouji, even after knowing he had no choice in his butler's death yet I still blamed him. Now this won't happen. I will save him from this darkness.

I can't deny it anymore, but I care for him. Even after knowing that he might be responsible for someone's death I still love him. I embraced him, to which he stiffened. But I tightened my embrace on him.

He was about to speak but I cut him, "What if I prove to you, even in this cruel world, there are still people whom you can trust? People who won't betray you?"

At this he turned towards me, making me break our embrace. I chuckled seeing his emotion less demeanour and caressed his cheeks, there was no use lying to myself anymore. I've always loved him, and I will continue to. I don't know what was the reason for her love, but maybe similar situation we both were in.

Trapped in cages built by the world, waiting to escape. 

Then why not escape it together?


(A.N. So guys, this was the whole point of this novel, to complete the kamuro's route. Now both Ibuki's and Kamuro's development is over.

Now then who will Ayanokouji choose between Kamuro and Ibuki lol. To be honest I myself haven't decided who is going to end with him from this two, we have to wait for few more volumes.

And don't worry I didn't forget Sato, she does have a crush on him after all. I won't be writing Vol 7 according to the original novel as Ryueen and Ayanokouji Fight has already happened. So thanks for reading.)

Classroom Of The Elite : The Cold Eyesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن