Chapter 14

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''Yunlan, I am dizzy,'' Shen Wei whined adorably as she leans her head on the chest of her husband that leaning on the bed on that night.

''Still want to vomit?'' Zhao Yunlan asked.

Shen Wei shakes her head.

''But I am still dizzy. And now I can't open my eyes. Am I really having a bad jetlag?'' Shen Wei curiously asked to think of her condition.

''You want me to call Wang or Sang to here to check on you? Or I should call Da Qing since both of them are expertise in plastic surgery not the other expertise?'' Zhao Yunlan asked again.

''Yunlan, how long we are married now?'' Shen Wei asked while wrapping her arms on the body of Zhao Yunlan on their bed.

''Erm... If I calculated right, it's been three weeks now from the wedding day. Why?'' Zhao Yunlan asked back as he told.

Shen Wei sighs.

''Three weeks. And I am still not having my period days,'' Shen Wei told.

Upon listening to those words and to think of Shen Wei's condition now, Zhao Yunlan lifts up his head a moment and then he stares to his wife that closing her eyes while leaning on his chest.

''You are still not having a period days? When did the last you had it?'' Zhao Yunlan asked.

''Two weeks from our wedding day, I just finished with my last period days. Supposedly, I should have it about two weeks ago. But still now I didn't have it,'' Shen Wei said without alerting of her condition.

''Wei, do you know something?'' Zhao Yunlan asked.

''Know what?'' Shen Wei asked back but she still closed her eyes.

''We did our love making a lot on the wedding night. What if you are pregnant, Wei?'' Zhao Yunlan guessed, made Shen Wei immediately snaps open her eyes to see Zhao Yunlan for her surprised to hear that, but then her head is spinning badly caused her leans back on the chest of her husband.

''I am sorry, Yunlan. I can't see you now. But, you may say right, Yunlan. Can you ask Wang to check on me? Maybe she can check my condition for that?'' Shen Wei requested.

Zhao Yunlan nods understand and he gets his phone near his pillow. He calls Wang that almost sleep in her guestroom.

''Yunlan, what is it? Is something happened to Wei?'' Wang asked with worry just in case Shen Wei will trauma again.

''No, Wang. Just, yeah! Something happened to her but not that trauma. It's about her dizziness, Wang. She thought it's a jetlag. But I think she may pregnant. Can you check on her? Or should I call Da Qing for that?'' Zhao Yunlan told.

''Oh, really? Well, no need to call Da Qing. I can check on her. Please don't worry. I will come to your bedroom now. Is it appropriate for me to come inside?'' Wang asked as she assured to Zhao Yunlan.

''Yes, yes, Wang! We didn't do anything inappropriate since we back home. Just come inside. The door is not lock yet since Wei can't move her head till now for her dizziness,'' Zhao Yunlan assured back.

''Alright!'' Wang replied and they ended the call while Wang hurriedly to go to Zhao Yunlan's bedroom to check on Shen Wei.

In the bedroom, Shen Wei can't open her eyes when Wang asked her to pee on the pregnancy test kit.

''Hurm... Maybe I should get a help from my husband to carry you to the bathroom or toilet, Wei since you can't walk and Yunlan can't carry you,'' Wang said.

''Just do it, Wang. I can't open my eyes or even to walk,'' Shen Wei whined for her bad dizziness.

Zhao Yunlan chuckles to hear that and he requests from Wang to get a help from Sang or his brother. Wang did and then Sang helps Shen Wei to go to toilet. As finished with the pee on that pregnancy test kit and washed, Shen Wei shouted from the toilet to carry her back to the bed as she can't stand longer in the toilet for her dizziness.

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