Chapter 4

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''What's happened to her?'' Hanchen asked with worry to see Shen Wei is fainted now.

Fusheng keeps waking up Shen Wei on the couch near the cashier table while Wuxie and Yezhun keeps calming down the customers that wanted to see the situation inside. The kids are not crying anymore when they are surprised to see the ultraman is fainted now. Some of the kids kept saying that the ultraman lost energy to fight and some of them said the ultraman is dying. That's the children's thought that influenced by the media social.

''Are you Zhao Yunlan?'' Fusheng asked to confirm as he saw this guy is a bit different with Zhao Yunlan he knows.

''No, sir. I am Hanchen, Yunlan's gege. Yunlan is at home now, paralyzing all his body,'' Hanchen told.

Fusheng surprised to hear that news about Zhao Yunlan. Fusheng is sured that Zhao Yunlan this guy mentioned is really Zhao Yunlan that was being a boyfriend to Shen Wei. Their faces are very similar. Just Zhao Yunlan has a beard and mushroom hair besides playful while this guy is calm, neat and doesn't have any beard.

''Are you sure that Zhao Yunlan she called is my didi?'' Hanchen asked to confirm.

Fusheng nods admitted.

''I remembered his face. Very similar to you, mister...''

''Please call me Hanchen. No mister, please,'' Hanchen requested.

Fusheng nods understand.

''Call me Fusheng. I am Wei's eldest brother. The one you always met before this is our youngest brother, Yezhun. The other one is my younger brother, Wuxie,'' Fusheng introduced himself and his family members.

Hanchen nods a little.

''This is my son, Zhao Chenxi. I am sorry if my son has offended your meimei a moment ago. You know the kids, they know nothing if we didn't correct them,'' Hanchen apologized as he told about Chenxi.

Fusheng smiles to that kid that looking at him with a worry face to see Shen Wei is fainted.

''Shu shu, is gu gu sick?'' Chenxi asked to Fusheng.

Fusheng nods.

''She has a trauma back then after that bad incident. We got a news that her car was exploded near the hill. We rushed to there just to see only her at there with burning her face as she jumped from the car to save herself. She told to us that Yunlan was with her but we didn't see him at there. We didn't know where was Yunlan that she mentioned. Since that she had a traumatic over her hideous face. Almost a year she can't face her face and slowly she accepted that when her didi gave her that golden mask. Since that, she wears that golden mask just to hide her hideous face from seeing by the children as the children cried and scared of her because of her hideous face just like what's happened to your son a moment ago,'' Fusheng told the story on his behalf.

Hanchen sighs to hear that.

''I don't think she lied that Yunlan was there with her too before that incident because we found him at downhill when a villager from that place called me and told about Zhao Yunlan that injured his waist that maybe fell off from the uphill. We went to the uphill after we got Yunlan but we found nothing. No one knows about that incident. The left is that burned car that belonged to someone. We got a report that burned car had an accident. But I heard from my wife that my didi was supposedly having a date on that day but we didn't know who is his real girlfriend since he is a playboy and we didn't know that he is serious with someone. But that crocheting shirt he wore on that day has answered to our question which only this shirt can lure us to his serious girlfriend. That's why I tried to find that girl through this picture, through this shirt pattern,'' Hanchen told.

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