I shall repay that kindness tenfold.'

"You are not making this easy like we wanted you to." Quackity warned. "I'm not telling you where he is." Phil and Tubbo stared each other down. "Search his house; find anything that could be of use to us." Tubbo ordered. Quackity and Fundy started opening chests, searching corners, looking under beds, completely messing up Phil's house in the process of searching for something to help them. "You have got to be kidding me, there's nothing in here."

Tubbo hummed disapprovingly at the lie, he himself opening a few chests and rummaging through them. His eyes landed on something, it glittered in the sunlight coming from the windows. His hands clasped around the object as he took it out of the chest. It was a compass, a small piece of cloth hung from the silvery chain, it read "Techno's compass." Tubbo smiled in a sinister delight. "Hey, Big Q, look what I found." He held the compass up so the other could see it. A smile formed on Quackity's face at the sight of the metal tool.

"That- that won't take you to him. It takes you to a potato farm not-" Phil got cut off. "Oh we have him now, boys." Fundy rubbed his hands together with excitement, his tail raised in sickly joy. Tubbo swiftly pocketed the object and turned to Phil.

"You disobeyed, you didn't do as we said, I believe a punishment is in order." Tubbo's voice was filled with a frightening sense of blood-lust. Phil looked on, face void of emotion, even though, on the inside, he was tearing from the worry. "You have been placed under house arrest, for disobeying the order of the President." Ranboo pulled out a set of chains.

"Chain the doors shut, we won't let him escape .Oh and, someone put the ankle clasp on him."Tubbo's hatred was clear in his voice. Fundy took out an enchanted ankle clasp, locking it around Phil's foot. It made him feel heavy, as if his foot was glued to the ground. "Pleasure doing business with you." Tubbo smiled mockingly and with that, the four left him alone. He could hear the rattling of the chains against his door then a click of a padlock. He was trapped.

Phil got to work as soon as they left, scribbling down a note on a piece of parchment. He whistled for his messenger crow. The black bird responded to the call, flying down stairs to its owner, leaving its place on the windowsill. It landed in front of Phil, on the surface of the mahogany desk. Phil slipped the small roll of parchment into the bird's beak and told the bird to go to Technoblade. (Let's pretend messenger birds have been trained to understand English.) The bird squawked in understanding and flew off through the widow, which was left ajar upstairs, leaving Phil pacing back and forth, dreading what was to come.

They know where you are, get ready old friend. They found your compass. Tubbo, he's coming for you, to kill you, you have to hurry. They must be only two hours away. I tried to stop them but they have me trapped. Please, prepare yourself. Stay safe. ~~Phil

Two hours. That's all he had to prepare himself for combat, if not less. He got up, panicked, running around, collecting his armour, weapons, anything useful in a fight. Technoblade really wasn't prepared; he needed to ready himself quickly.

Strapping on his armour and sharpening his sword, he looked over his stock of potions, grabbing some strength, harming and healing splash-potions. He glanced outside the window, only seeing the midday sun at the horizon and nothing except forest. He let out a sigh of slight relief before moving away from the window. He then proceeded to look through his chests, searching for a certain item. He found it; he held the amulet up to the light, the rays making its golden surface and emerald eyes shimmer. Technoblade clipped the totem around his neck, tucking the magical object under his shirt.

Techno ensured all of his important possessions were safely hidden, leading all his pets to safe places. All apart from Carl, who would have to stay in his stable, as it was hard to get a horse inside a house.

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