The Case

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Ophelia dropped the case on her desk and went into the kitchen. She went to the coffee machine and put one of the pods in and turned it on. While she was waiting Becky came in. Ophelia rolled her eyes. 

"HEYYY GURLLLLL!" Becky squealed.

"Hi Becky...." Ophelia replied.

"OMG! Did you see Tracey's hair today?" Becky gossiped.

"Yeah it looks fine why?"

"GURL! You don't need to lie"

"Oh would you look at that, my coffee! It's done! OK BYE!" Ophelia rushed.

Ophelia ran straight to Tracey her BFF. 

"Good morning!" Tracey exclaimed 


Tracey was used to the way Ophelia when something she didn't like happened.

"Really? And I thought she was getting better"

"Yeah same. Well I have to go look over the case. See you"

"Ok, see you"

Ophelia walked back to her desk and looked over the case. After she looks at the case file she heads over to the crime scene. When she arrives, there is already cops and police tap at the crime scene. She first looks at the door where the killer entered through. It looked like it had been taken off its hinges. She goes into the apartment and sees blood on the couch. That was where the victim was killed. A cop came over to Ophelia to talk to her.

"So Ophelia, no one has actually contacted the family yet so that is your job." the cop tells her.

"What? I hate dealing with the family!" Ophelia protests.

"Well someone has to do it and we have chosen you"

"Whatever." she answers as she walks away.

She goes over to the rest of the apartment. The person who came in, looked like they came straight in then out. The steps they took seemed to just be; break down door, kill victim and leave.  

After staying at the crime scene most of the day she heads home.

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