Priest: do you kim taehyung take Kim Y/N as your lawfully wedded wife and take care of her through health and sickness and love her until death

Tae: I do (smiles)

Priest: do you Kim Y/N take Kim taehyung as your lawfully wedding husband and take care of him through health and sickness and love him until death

Y/N: I do (smiles)

Priest: I now pronounce you both as husband and wife. You may Kiss the bride.

He gently pulled me by my waist while his other hand resting on my left cheek and kissed me passionately under the veil.

Tae: always remember one thing my love, that I'll love you and protect you till eternity.
I love you mrs. Kim

A single tear rolled down my cheek when I heard him telling that to me and I too said

Y/N: I love you too mr. Kim

Jin: can't believe my kids grew up so fast (fake tears)

Jimin: correction hyung, I was the one who took care of her

Jin: no. I was the who took care of them

Jimin: no me

Jungkook: aish these two

Suga: aish I want to sleep

Jhope: yah! You can't do that

RM: I agree

Suga: okay fine, I understood.

We both were laughing at their childish comments about who protected us. Soon I saw jungkookie approaching us with lisa beside him while their hands were connected to each other. Wait what?

Jungkook: happy married life to both of you.

Tae: thank you jungkook

Y/N: are you two-

Lisa: yes, we're in relationship!

Y/N: omg! I'm so very happy for you both.

Jimin: you should even wish me also

Y/N: what do you mean?

Tae: aish baby, Jimin and rose are together

Y/N: why didn't you tell me!

Rose: we both thought of telling you today itself

Y/N: ahh finally my Rose's dream got fulfilled.

Rose: yah Y/N ah! (blushing)

Y/N: how about our iu

IU: well, even I'm in relationship

Y/N: tell me who is that

Tae: yah, you asking her infront of me

Jungkook: someone is jealous i guess, don't you

Y/N: curiosity baby (chuckles)

Tae: whatever (rolls his eyes)

IU: it's suga

Y/N: what!! But where's he?

Jimin: probably sleeping somewhere

Suga: you desperately waiting for my punches right

I flinched when I saw him from nowhere. Seeing my situation all others were laughing at the way I jumped into tae's arms.

Y/N: how dare you guys laugh at me!

Tae: so cute (laughs)

Lisa: okay stop it you guys. It's time to throw the bouquet.

THE REVENGE WAYS: KTH ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora