Chapter Seventeen

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Three Days Later

"Alright our game is at 5, so we are going to do a light practice, and then you guys are going back to the hotel and get ready, we have to be here at 4" Coach says

We all nod, and start practice. This weekend has been crazy, we won the first two games by 5 and 7 points. Yesterdays games were harder but we still won by 3 points each. Today is the big game, it's the game that determines if we go to Regionals. After practice I head to my room and take a shower.

"So you and my sisters" Enzo asks

We shared a hotel room.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that" I ask

"Because everyone can tell you like each other, you guys have been going on dates at least twice a week, and hang out almost everyday" he says

"She's not ready" I say

"Have you asked her recently if she is" he asks

"No I figured she would tell me" I say

"I know my sister, and I can tell you she is ready, she literally had my mom help her get ready for your last date, they never do anything together. My sister likes you, and you have helped her heal from Lucas" he says

"You really think she's ready or you just want us to get together" I ask

"Both" he shrugs

I roll my eyes. There was a knock on the door, and he goes to open it.

"I thought you were napping" I ask as Izzy walks in

"I hate being in a room myself" she says laying on my bed

"I'm going to Alex's room, have fun, use a condom" Enzo says leaving

"Fuck you" Izzy says

He flips her off as the door closes. I sit on my bed.

"We have 4 hours till we have to be at the arena" I say

She nods.

"Nap" I ask

She nods, and I lay next to her.

"So Enzo and I were talking" I say

"Oh god" she says

"Are you ready" I ask

She sits up, and looks at me.

"I don't know" she says

"Be my unofficial girlfriend for a week, and if you don't feel ready we can wait" I say

She nods.

"Can I kiss you" I say

"Please" she says

I gently grab her face, and kiss her.

"You're amazing Mason" she says laying her head on my chest

"Let's not tell anyone, everyone keeps questioning, and I don't want to say anything if you're not ready" I say

"I was going to to say the same thing" she says

"Alright nap time" I say

She nods, and snuggles into my chest. I wrap my arm around her waist, and fall asleep.


"You guys have 5 minutes left, and they are up by two, that means we need three points at least" Coach says

This has been a hard ass game, the score is currently 5-3.

We all nod.

"You guys got this, don't get into your head, play the game, and win" Izzy says

We all nod. The whistle blows means the timeout was over. We go out to the field.

"Go Mason" I hear my mom yell

I take a deep breath, and focus on the game, and not the crowd. Together Enzo and I scored two points, and we have a minute left. The other team's forward steals the ball from Enzo and runs to our goal, he kicks it but our goalie Alex catches it. He throws it, and Enzo gets it and runs forward.

"Mason" he yells passing the ball to me

I look at the clock 10 seconds left and it's going fast. I look at where I want the goalie to think I'm kicking it, and kick it the opposite side. It flies in and hits the back of the net as the buzzer goes off. Holy shit I just won us Playoffs.

There was yelling as all the guys surround me chanting my name. After they calm down, we walk over to Coach, but there was only one person I cared about. I walked up to Izzy, and pull her into a kiss. She kisses back holding my face.

"Oh my god" I hear the guys yell

"I'm so ready for this" Izzy smiles

"Isabella Russo will you officially being my girlfriend" I ask

"Yes" she says before kissing me

There was more cheering.

I let go of her, and Coach is looking at us.

"No going to lie I was not expecting that" he says

"How could you not Uncle Jay" Enzo asks

He shrugs.

"I don't worry about my players love life, but now I have to because one is dating niece" he says

"Don't even try with the speech, Marco tried and I wouldn't let him" Izzy says

"Fine, but I do have a speech for something else" he says

He looks at all of us players.

"You just won Playoffs" he yells

We all cheer.

"Alright so that means we are heading to a regionals which is in two weeks, we are off tomorrow, but every day except tomorrow we have practice even on Saturdays and Sundays. Have a good night, lobby at 7 AM" he says

We all run, and do a group hug.

"I'm proud of you guys" he smiles

"We wouldn't of been able to to do it without you Coach" Alex says

We all nod.

"Well you guys did amazing now you deserve a good night" he says

We all say goodbye, and then head to our families.

"That was amazing Mason" my dad says hugging me

"Thanks" I smile

"You and Izzy" my mom asks

"Yes we are together" I say

"Good tell her she is invited over for dinner tomorrow, I'm making homemade pizza" my mom says

I nod.

"Hey Iz" I call over to her

Izzy walks over to us, and I wrap my arm around her waist.

"My mom invited you over for dinner tomorrow" I say

"I would love to" Izzy says

"I'm making homemade pizza" my mom says

"Can I help" Izzy asks

"Of course! Can you be over by 2" my mom asks

"I can just come over after we get back if that's okay" Izzy says

"Perfect" my mom smiles

"Hey Mason we have to get on the road, but we will see you two tomorrow" my dad says

I hug them, and they leave. Izzy and I head back to the hotel. Most of the guys went out, but we both wanted a relaxing night in. I take a shower, and put sweatpants and a t-shirt on. Izzy had a matching outfit which was not plan.

"Oh god are we going to be one of those couples" she asks

"I mean this wasn't planned so I would say no" I say

She nods. We order room service, and eat before watching a movie, and falling asleep.

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