Chatper Nine

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Three Month Later

"Bro that exam was so hard" Paisley says as we sit down for lunch

"I know Mrs. Duncan always makes her test hard" I say

She nods. It's now February, and I have not talked to Izzy since our argument. She doesn't sit with us at lunch anymore she sits with her new boyfriend Jake who is on the football team, but she looks happier she smiles more, but she still has her walls up.

"Im so ready for spring break" Paisley says sitting down

"Me too" I say

"I can't wait to graduate either" she says

"Same" I say

"Have you heard from Harvard" she asks

"Yeah, but I don't know if that's what I want to do anymore" I say

"What, that's been your dream since 7th grade" she says

"I wanna play soccer professionally" I say

"Really? Oh my god Mason thats great" she says

"What's great" Tim asks sitting down

"Mason changed his career path" Paisley says

"To what" Aaron asks sitting down

"Soccer" I say

"Shit man that's great" he says

"Have you talked to your dad about it" Paisley asks

"He gave me the idea, he said he has watched me play and sees how much I love it" I say

"He's finally opening up! I'm glad you get to do what you love" Paisley says

"Mother fucker put me down" I hear Izzy yell

I turn to see Jake carrying Izzy.

"Nope it's my birthday I get to do what I want" Jake says laughing

"Not when it has to do with me being upside down" she says

"You're staring" Paisley says

I turn to her.

"I mean they're being loud of course I'm going to look" I say

"I never liked her, she was always mean" she says

"She has a past that caused her to put walls up and not let anyone in" I say

"I never imagined you defending her, you hated her" she says

"Until I got to know her" I say

She rolls her eyes, and stays quiet the rest of lunch. The day went on, and practice went quick. I was sitting in my room when the doorbell rang. I was home alone so I had to answer it.

"What's up" I say

Paisley was standing there.

"I wanted to talk to you" she says

"About what" I ask moving to let her in

"I like you Mason. You've been my best friend since we were kids, its kinda like we were meant to be together" she says

"Paisley I'm sorry, but I don't feel that way" I say

"Why because you like Isabella, that bitch who you hated, and now you're changing for her" she says

"I didn't change for her. I changed for myself, she just showed me what if feels like to be myself instead of something my parents want" I say

She laughs.

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