Part 4

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Stepping over to the door, Y/N opens it and immediately closes it with a startled face. "LADY EVELYNN! You have to leave, NOW!"

"What are you talking about?" She asked skeptically. For the first time since they had met, fear was written across his face.

"Oh, shit..." Akali mused as she looked out the window. "What's going on?" Ahri asks confused.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Y/N attempted to formulate a plan. "OK. Here's the plan." He motioned everyone over.

Akali would give Y/N a smoke bomb and all five of them would exit through the front door. Y/N would throw the bomb and the four girls would flee. Y/N would constantly shape-shift and play five people at once to allow them all to escape. Once having fled, they would meet in Bilgewater.

"Wait a minute. Won't they notice that we all just randomly turned red?" Y/N smiles. He moved to Ahri, and his color gradually began to match her. 

"It takes a lot of effort to do this much shape-shifting." Y/N drops the guise. "What about you?" Evelynn speaks up.

Y/N tilts his head, clearly confused. "How are you going to escape after this plan?" Y/N smirks.

"Is Lady Evelynn worried about me?" Her glare intensifies. "Don't worry about me. Let's go."

The five of them opened the front door and step out in front of the glowing army.

"Well well~. If it isn't my favorite demon!" A seductive voice calls out toward the group. Four legs push through the crowd to reveal Elise.

Four legs push through the crowd to reveal Elise

Y/N's head immediately drops. "No no, it's not Y/N. I'm another demon." Y/N attempts a fake accent.

"I didn't even say your name darling~." Elise coos. Y/N sighs deeply. "Hello, Elise."

"Who's that?" Kai'sa asks softly. "The enemy. Akali, smoke." Y/N holds out his hand.

Akali places a spray can she uses to create her smoke clouds. "On three you guys run."

"Thresh has sent me to capture Evelynn, so why don't you be a dear and hand her over." Elise begins the monologue.

Y/N's eyes dart around rapidly trying to find somewhere to strike from. "One." He begins his count.

The army is clearly growing restless with Elise. "Sorry I can't do that Elise. Two." He whispers the last part.

"I've kind of grown fond of these four girls. I guess fighting is the only way we can go from here." The girls smirked at his comment.

Y/N was trying to wind her up. "What's so special about those four?" Elise asks angrily.

"They aren't eight-legged monsters whose only desire is to feed me to a spider god. Three!" He shouts and crushes the can in his hand.

Smoke erupts over the K/DA group's front yard. "Run!" He shouts and shifts into Evelynn. 

His color matched hers perfectly. He explodes from above the smoke and begins to cut through the horde.

Elise went to jump for him and she was immediately batted into the smoke by his tendrils. 

Y/N quickly followed her and changed into Akali. He quickly moved through the smoke, dashing in and out confusing her.

"Just stand still!" She shouted as she jumped further into the smoke after her. Y/N grinned at how angry she was.

Y/N quickly changed into Ahri and made his nails grow to cut her. The two traded blows with one another, unable to get a clean hit.

He shifted to his normal self as the smoke cleared between the both of them. The horde of soldiers was gone.

 Elise was panting heavily from their fight. Y/N was overjoyed that his plan had worked. 

"Well, well. It appears the great and powerful Elise has been outsmarted." Y/N mocked. Elise began to laugh.

"Always the clever one. However I think you'll find, you aren't as smart as you think." Elise turned to walk away.

'What the hell did she mean by that?' Y/N's eyes widened. "The Glowing ones are... gone." 

-3rd POV-

The four girls were being pursued by from what they could tell, hundreds of soldiers. 

"Keep running! I'll think of something." Evelynn called out. Her mind was racing. The forest they were in appeared to go on forever. 

Ahri was dashing from tree to tree when she was suddenly hit by something and was grounded. "Ahri! Bastards!" Akali turned on her heels and attempted to save her.

She met the same fate and fell as a black blur hit her. Evelynn grabbed the two girls in her tendrils and continued to run alongside Kai'sa.

The two stopped in their tracks as a large web blocked their path. "Run around it-" Kai'sa was cut off as the black blur knocked her out as well.

Evelynn placed Ahri and Akali behind her and dragged Kai'sa as well. "Seems your little plan didn't work out so well~." Elise cooed from atop the web.

"You bitch." Evelynn's eyes were glowing with anger. "Aww. Don't be angry darling. Surrender and your friends won't be harmed. Trust me." She literally talked down to Evelynn.

Time seemed to freeze as the two girls stared at one another. Evelynn raised her hands in surrender.

Elise smiled at this. "Don't worry 'Lady Evelynn'." Elise mocked. "I'll take good care of your friends."

Doing the same thing she did to the other girls Elise quickly knocked Evelynn out. 'For them.' Evelynn thought to herself.


Y/N had taken a boat from Ionia to Bilgewater and began to wait for the K/DA girls to arrive. 

Bored, he decided to take a walk. On the way, he found a poster. 'K/DA MISSING! Reward: 9 Millon gold!'

"Damn spider." Y/N mulled as he ripped the poster off and shoved it in his back pocket.

He'd never felt as conflicted as he did right now. Normally, he'd never even think to rescue the girls. Hell, he barely knew them.

On the other hand, they had offered him a home out of the kindness of their hearts. Y/N sighed to himself.

He knew where she would take them. All the way to Zaun until Thresh would clear the mists for them to return.

Thresh had set up some deal with the Chem Barons for safe passage. "Looks like I'm going to have to call on a few favors."


Disaster has struck! Things are heating up for the K/DA girls. Who will Y/N ask a favor from? Tune in next time and find out! Love you guys!


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