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Chapter 3: First stream

Bri's POV

It had been 4 days since I ordered the equipment I needed to start streaming, and everything finally came in except for my headset, so I had to use my older brother's for the first stream. "Thanks for helping me set up everything, Mike." I said as he walked out of my room, "Don't forget, you owe me a week's worth of food!" he shouted before I heard his door slam down the hall. I went on twitter and decided to let the people who haven't seen my recent vlog, which was announcing I was going to start streaming, that my stream would start in 30 minutes;

Hey guys! For the people who haven't seen my latest vlog, I'm going to start streaming! My Twitch account is 'Bubbli_BriLIVE', stream will be starting in 30 minutes! If you plan on watching I recommend bringing some snacks, it's just gonna be a chill stream! :)

I turned off my phone so that I could quickly drive over to my local 7-11 to get some Arizona's, some candies, and Takis for my stream today.

~ Time Skip ~

When I got home I ran up to my room to start up my stream. I put up the 'Stream Starting Soon!' screen so that I could get a few minutes to set up my things and maybe go to the bathroom. I played some non-copyrighted music so that the viewers wouldn't get bored and ran to the bathroom.

After coming back from the bathroom I saw that I had 1.5k viewers! What?! I turned the music down and unmuted my mic, "Omg! There's 1.5k viewers, pog! Thanks everyone for tuning into the first stream! We're just going to be talking with Tommy and Tubbo today, nothing too special for the first stream." I explained as I turned on my webcam and put on my brother's headset, putting the attached mic back, so I could use my 'streaming' mic.

Chat immediately started flooding with support and compliments towards my looks. "Aw! Thanks everyone for the support! I really appreciate it!" I said smiling brightly, "I'm going to join the call with Tommy and Tubbo right now.. just give me a few seconds." I said opening up discord to join the call. "Hey Bri!" Tubbo said as I joined the call, "Hey bestie!" I giggled, then got a donation and heard the bot announce, "QuackityHQ my beloved, has donated $20" then heard it read his message out, "Wow, why wasn't I invited to the call?" my eyes widened, "Awkward.." I said trying to hold back a laugh, "Big Q, it's because she doesn't love you. She loves me." Tommy said laughing hearing the donation, "Tommy!" I shout as the chat started spamming 'LMAO' I felt kinda bad that I didn't invite Quackity so I added him to the discord call.

"Ayy! Mamacita added me to the call!" Quackity shouted as he joined the call, "BIG Q?!" Tommy shouted kind of confused, "Hey big man." Tubbo greeted kindly, "Quackity. Don't. Call. Me. Mamacita. Again. Or. Else." I threatened "Oh, sorry mama- I MEAN- Bri." he stuttered "I turned off my webcam on the stream and turned it on on the discord call and screen shared the tab, "I'm turning on my camera. If you guys want to as well, you can." I said smiling. Quackity immediately turned his on, "Sup stream!" he said as he put his handed behind his neck, "Look how hot I look today!" he smirked "Shut up." I laughed, Tubbo then turned on his camera, along with Tommy.

"Hey stream!" Tubbo smiled brightly, "Tubbo! My child!" I giggled as I saw his face "Hi mum!" he said returning the joke. Quackity looked confused, and chat noticed and started spamming 'ooo's and 'he's jealous!' . Since he was on my stream he saw chat and immediately starts raging, "Goddammit, chat I'm not jealous!" Tommy starts laughing his 'HAHAA' laugh and I start wheezing, Quackity picks up his phone and pretends to call his mom; "Mommy? Come pick me up. Mis amigos are bullying me" he joked while putting on a pouting face. We all just laughed it off and continued with the stream.

An hour into the stream I started laughing so loud and hard that Mike had to come shut me up, "BRI! CAN YOU LIKE SHUT UP?" he yelled as the door flung open. I started laughing even harder that I fell out of my chair, "I- I can't... stop l-laughing!" I cried out as I wheezed on the floor, clutching my stomach. Quackity, Tommy, Tubbo, and chat were all concerned because I was laughing so hard, they also wondered who Mike was. He grabbed some of my candies and left the room slamming the door shut.

As I pulled myself together, I sat back down on my chair, wiping tears from my eyes since I laughed so much.

"Ay, who was that hombre?" Quackity asked defensively, "Oh, the shuckhead who came in earlier?" I asked motioning towards the door, Quackity nodded. "That's Michael. Mike for short, he's my older brother. Why do you ask?" you explain questioning why he asked, "No reason..." he trailed off. Tommy smirked and started typing aggressively and quickly, his mic picking up the typing sounds. Tubbo then started clicking his mouse, also smirking as he squinted to read the tiny writing on his screen. He then started typing, "So.. you two shuckheads got something to tell the class?" I asked like a teacher, "Not really, no." Tommy said "Actually yes, Bri" Tubbo started, and Tommy preparing and shutting his eyes quickly as if he was being told on. "Why do you say shuckheads?" Tubbo asked emphasizing 'shuckheads' .

"Oh... I've been reading and watching the Maze Runner book series and movies alot lately, so I'm starting to use glader slang.." I admitted quite embarrassed. He and Tommy nodded as if they understood, "Yeah, I'd take you for one of those fans." Tommy said rolling his eyes playfully, I wondered why he emphasized 'those' but just brushed it off. I started to get tired and decided to end stream. I turned off my video in the call, muted and deafened myself while I turned on my stream webcam and started saying goodbye to chat.

"Bye guys! Thanks for tuning into the stream everyone, sorry if it was kinda boring for a first stream, but hey! We always have next stream! Take care guys, bye!" I said as I ended stream, I yawned as I closed all my tabs except the discord one, and undeafened, unmuted my mic, and turned my video back on in the call.

I heard the guys laughing as I undeafened. "What happened?" I asked curiously, wanting to know what happened while I was gone "I think- we think..." Tubbo corrected himself, "that Big Q likes you Bri." I saw Quackity with his camera still on, burying his face into his hands. Probably to hide the heat rising in his cheeks. I laughed it off, of course "Yeah, you're play-playing with me. It's late ri-right now, I'm not gonna deal with th-this." I stuttered through my words, my voice started to shake as bad memories were brought up, "I'm going to bed, night." I said before leaving the call and shutting off my pc.

I threw myself onto my bed with a huge sigh. I'm not gonna believe them. I thought to myself, It's probably not even true, and they're just messing with me. That was the last thing I thought about before I drifted off to sleep.

A/n; Hellooo! I made a longer chapter this time since I didn't want to make smaller ones and possibly miss something. Hopefully you enjoyed it! Take care! 😊

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