Chapter 44: Currency Tracking Service

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Some sort of choking of her mouth instead, and he turns enough to note her presence, a slow smile turning his lips upward. "Sorry—I didn't come in here to ogle you," she manages finally, in a high-pitched rush of words. "It's just that I didn't expect to walk in on that." She waves her hand to aid the explanation and to work off some of the nervous energy. "And now I can't remember what I walked in here for. Not that I'm complaining—feel free to distract me like this anytime." She cringes as her words catch up to her, but she's not even going to try to salvage that one.

He finishes pulling his pants on before turning around—something that she's grateful for because one verbal gaffe is enough for one situation. The smile he gives her makes Felicity think he doesn't quite mind her staring, and he walks up to her, letting his hands drop on her waist. "You don't have to apologize, Felicity," he answers, and the quirk to his mouth can only be described as a smirk.

"I'm only sorry I got caught," she admits truthfully, and Oliver smiles but turns his attention downward. It's only when she follows his gaze that Felicity realizes her right index finger has decided to trace the Bratva tattoo on his pectoral of its own volition.

All it takes is one look at Oliver’s face, clear with intent, to realize that he’s done with words now, opting to forgo speech in favor of kissing. Felicity, of course, is perfectly okay with that, her hands sliding up to cup his face while his stay firmly planted on her hips. Somehow she ends up backed against the door, but she can't bring herself to give a damn that the door handle is pressing painfully against the small of her back.

That pain is remedied, though, when he lifts her onto the countertop without breaking the kiss, stepping between her legs. They immediately lock around his waist when he draws her bottom lip into his mouth, and she realizes that her hands seem to have wandered to his chest again, then around to press against his shoulder blades.

Remembering that they have other things to do, she groans before breaking away from him. Oliver seems to be more reluctant to do so, pressing his lips to the junction between her shoulder and neck with a sigh. "As much as I'd love to continue this, we need to go buy drugs. Which sounded less criminal in my head, but you know what I mean." He chuckles in response, and she can feel his breath against her skin. “You confuse my thoughts when you kiss me like that—and always in the most inconvenient times, too.”

“It gives me a reason to stop,” he answers, an unreadable expression on his face. It takes her a moment to understand his words, but then she realizes that their impromptu make-out sessions are starting to come at more awkward times. This isn’t her first time sitting on the bathroom counter after being kissed senseless, and Felicity is starting to think that this is Oliver’s subtle way of telling her that he’s ready to stop taking things slow without trying to pressure her.

Part of her wants to ask about it, but Felicity decides they have more important things to do, especially as she remembers the point of coming into the bathroom. "Oh, and Tommy called—that's what I was going to tell you. Lance has to investigate the club because of the way the evidence is leading, and apparently he's going to get a warrant in the morning to search all of it, including the basement." Oliver looks up at her then, and she drops her index finger over his mouth before he can speak. "But I have a plan. We're going to be here all night getting things changed around, though—but Tommy will help, too."

"And Roy?" Oliver asks as he grabs his jacket from the other side of the counter. He doesn't seem to mind the fact that Felicity's legs are still locked around him, not bothering to pull away from her. "I’m not sure if he’s ready for this."

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