Reiner x Reader 💞

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Trigger warning: self harm (not explicit), slight angst

Guys, it's almost 4AM, I spent five hours on a train today and then proceeded to visit a friend before going home, basically being a free therapist. I'm tired as fuq. But I wanted to give you something so here is some Reiner fluff/angst whatever this is :)

„REINER!" I screamed at the top my lungs, the sound echoing from the almost bare walls of my tiny apartment. I'd lived here for a while now, making ends meet with my part time job at the diner while being preoccupied with keeping my boyfriend alive. He's been wrenched by guilt ever since he got back from that godawful place called Paradis Island. I know now that the people there aren't actually demons but in fact, very ordinary people, as my big teddy bear of a partner had confessed one night between soft kisses and spooning. My most effective method of torture, by the way. And yet it was still difficult to erase years and years of education, being raised to believe they were the enemy.
After getting home from my job I was in dire need of my boyfriends strong arms around me, protecting me from the straining world outside. I knew he was fighting an even more difficult battle than me and I did all I could to support him, but I still needed these small moments of comfort.
As such, after howling his name for the whole neighborhood to hear, I heard a loud clattering sound from the kitchen.
I felt sudden fear building up in me, my hands starting to shiver as I felt cold sweat run down my exposed neck.
That clattering had sounded awfully similar to a knife meeting the cold marble ground of my kitchen.
My wrists and fingers started to tingle as I imagined all the awful things he could have done to himself while I was gone. I purposefully told him to rest up and wait at my place as I was sure that he wouldn't dare to do anything in my home, knowing that I could be back at any minute.
My heart was clenching tightly and it felt as though something dark and awful were choking me.
I darted towards the kitchen, throwing open the door as it crashed against my poor, already very scarred corridor wall.
I stomped over to my boyfriend, his eyes widened in shock as he stood there, apron falling over his bare, broad chest, one hand still hovering over the stove, in which he must have held the knife. I grabbed his forearm, my fingers squeezing into his beautiful skin, utterly free of any scars or marks, all thanks to his power to heal any injury inflicted on him. It was sometimes hard to imagine the pain he'd been exposed to all his life when looking at this tall, strong man standing in my kitchen like a handcrafted soldier doll advertising the strength of Marleys unparalleled warrior unit.
I stared up at him now, raising my chin to be able to look into his eyes, pleading, challenging him to tell me what the hell it was that he'd just been doing.
He was still looking at me with a blank expression, like a child that had just seen snow for the first time, utterly confused by my dramatic entrance.
„What did you just do?" I demanded, still glaring up at him.
„I-" he started, but failed to come up with words to speak as he was no doubt still processing my sudden appearance.
His other hand, the one I wasn't holding on to as though my life depended on it, was lifted to his mouth, ready to bite. Probably a habit from his time out on the battlefield. My entrance did seem more like an intruder than a girlfriend, tired from long hours of working.
I pulled my eyes away from his then, examining every inch of his body, looking for any kind of damage that he might have inflicted on himself.
To my surprise, I could find only strong, smooth skin, spreading over a body branded by years of harsh training.
I looked up at him, confused.
There was no way he could have healed so fast, he didn't expect me to come home so soon.
I studied his face for anything of concern, not allowing myself to feel relieved just yet.
At that moment realization dawned on his face and I watched a frown form between his eyes.
He freed his arm from my grip, taking both my hands in his.
„Darling, did you think that I-„ he broke off, shaking his head.
His beautiful, deep voice was something I would probably never get used to and I couldn't help but pause and listen to it stroke my ears.
„I told you I've been doing much better these past weeks, love."
He closed his eyes, shaking his head again, still frowning.
I raised one hand from his, reaching up to his face to gently smooth his features back into a softer demeanor. I hated seeing his brows knitted together like that, and wanted nothing more than to see his eyes light up the way they did whenever something made him genuinely proud.
He didn't flinch back from my fingers, still a little cold from the air outside, used to my little intimate touches every now and then. Instead, he gave me a slight smile and I felt my heart explode with joy and relief.
„Now then Mister Braun, won't you still tell me what you have been up to while I was gone? And what's up with the knife on the floor. You nearly have me a heart attack you know?" He looked at me, guilt evident on his face and I felt a stinging in my chest, the way I always did whenever something upset this man.
Then, his features turned softer again, his kind eyes dripping with warmth.
Oh how I loved his lovely hazel eyes.
They were the way I knew that he truly loved me, looking sharp and cold to anyone else, the light in them always hidden by the shadow cast by his almost constantly knitted eyebrows.
Only when he looked at me did they turn soft and gorgeous, almost comparable to honey.
„Well, Miss Braun", he liked to call me that very now and then, even though we weren't even engaged yet, „I was actually making dinner for the both of us, since you would probably be tired after work and too lazy to properly take care of yourself. Or well, at least I attempted to make dinner. It was supposed to be a surprise but it seems like that's not really an option anymore."
I blinked up at him in surprise.
Reiner Braun, the pride of Marley and host of the armored titan was standing in my kitchen with only a pair of trousers and an ugly green apron, attempting to cook dinner for me.
I was speechless.
I'd been prepared to come home to an unstable man child, in dire need of love and mental support, but this?
He was not only taking care of himself, but also me. He was looking out for me, helping me and doing more than he needed to do.
I was overwhelmed with feelings and just as they were about to well over and cause me to possibly break down right there, he reached around me, pulling me into a hug, his big hand at the back of my head, softly caressing my hair while gently pressing my face into his chest. I felt so impossibly safe in his embrace. It was as though all my worries were blown out of my mind, the only thing left being the warm, satisfying feeling of belonging. He lowered his head, just able to reach the upper end of my ear and whispered: „I love you so, so much. You have done everything and more to support me, have made me believe in myself and life again. The least I could do is cook dinner you know? And don't worry, I don't intend for this to be a one time thing." After pressing a kiss on the top of my head, he gently pulled away and gestured toward the half made dinner with his chin.
„Mind helping me finish? I know that wasn't the plan but-„ „I would love to." I interrupted him, beaming up at my boyfriends face.
This evening could not have been more perfect.


Aight so is fluff something u want or do you prefer ✨spice✨

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