Growing Love

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George's POV

When I enter school the next day I get super nervous. I have a boyfriend now. I wonder if Clay is just as nervous. I sit in the gym anxiously waiting for the bell to ring so I can go to my first hour and see Clay.
It finally rings, and I walk to my first hour, heart racing. The teacher let's us sit with our groups since all we're doing today is working on our projects. I walk in first, and shortly after see Clay walk in and I motion him over to sit next to me.

"Hi." I say first.

"Hi, how's it going?"

"Good. The teacher said we could sit with our groups since that's all we're working on today, so of course I was gonna sit with my handsome man."

Clay stares at me for a second, and then giggles while closing the space between us.


"Sorry. Got caught up in the moment. You made me all happy inside." He said, in a seducing type of way.

"If that's all it takes to make you get all nervous, then it won't be hard to make you feel other things, either." I say this only half realizing what I'm actually saying in the moment.

"Hm." Is all Clay responds with.

"Heyyy my little love birds." Alex says in his tone, while walking up to us.

"I told him last night." Clay verified.

"Oh okay, gotcha." I reply.

"So what's up guys?" Alex asks

"Nothing much, just waiting for you." Clay says.

"I'll go get the stuff so you two can keep flirting."

We all laughed at Alex's comment, and then Clay tells me something that confuses me.

"Hey, meet me in the bathroom in about 5 minutes. I'm gonna go talk to Alex, and then ask the teacher to go myself- wait a couple minutes to ask so she doesn't get suspicious."

"I- okay." I hold back from asking why.

"See ya." Clay responds.

Those five minutes seemed like the longest five minutes of my life. I watch Clay and Alex talk, and watch Clay eventually ask the teacher to use the restroom. He looks around, then looks at me, as if to signal that it's about time to go.
I wait almost 2 minutes, and then go up to the teacher.

"May I use the restroom?" I ask, trying to make it seem like I really needed to go.

"Uhm.. did I send anyone else before you?"

"I'm not sure ma'am, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, you can go ahead."

"Thank you." I reply.


I think of every possible thing that could happen on my way to the bathroom. I'm nervous, but kind of excited in a way. Once I reach the bathroom, I open the door and see Clay standing against the wall, on his phone.

"Okay, I'm here." I say.

"Good." Clay responds. He starts to walk over to me, and pulls me to him one hand on my hips, and the other on my face. He kisses me hard, and long. Damn he can kiss. I think to myself.
Our lips stay locked for a good minute, and for some reason I never pull away. I liked this. I loved it. Even though this seemed very our of the blue, I didn't pull from Clay until he was done kissing me, and pulled away himself.
I tried to push my lips into his again, to feel his kiss once more. I didn't want it to end. But he pulled his face back more, as if saying he was done.

"Wow." I say

"Your a good kisser, Georgie. I didn't expect that."

I exaggerate being offended, and say, "Well what did you expect? I'm not dumb."

"I don't know, honestly. All I do know is that I liked it."

"We should head back. Hopefully it hasn't been too long." I suggest.

"I'll go first, since I went first."

"Okay." I reply.

I wait for Clay to get back into the classroom and then I start walking back myself. On my way back to class, I think. I just think if his lips, and his perfect face, and how amazing that experience was. We probably won't be able to do this again anytime soon, since I assume both of our parents are non supportive, and people are going to shun, hate, and humiliate us at school left and right.
I get back into class and Alex looks at me.

"eso es caliente Georggee."

I knew my fair share of spanish, since I have taken a couple classes.

"oh, cállate inteligente." I respond back.

"Ohoohooo." Alex shoots back.

I giggle, and walk over to Clay, happy to see his beautiful eyes again. Until today I couldn't have ever imagined having such a great life, and such a handsome, amazing boyfriend.

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