Finding eachother

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Clay's POV

Once I wake up the next morning for school, something makes me want to go to school. I feel like I'm longing for something.. I don't know what, but I hope it's nothing that will get me in any type of trouble. I quickly get ready and for some reason I'm excited to see the brunettes deep colored eyes again. I need to ask him his name.. I can't just call him 'brunette' for the rest of my life.
Once I get into my first hour, I instantly spot the brunette. He stands out in the crowd; in my eyes at least. I walk up to him, and finally ask him his name.

"Hey, I was just gonna ask what your name was.. I-"

"It's George.." he said, cutting me off.

"Oh- okay, thanks, George." I said with a surprisingly seducing tone.

I see George tense a little when I say that last line.. he was surprised by the specific tone in my voice that startled me as well. Score. I know the boys name now. I'm one step closer now.
I am starting to realize why I act in such a way around George.. I like him.. I thought. No way.. no way.. my friends are gonna think I'm a freak. Shouldn't I be happy? I've always struggled with finding myself.. and I think im one step closer to finding myself now.
I quickly realize I've missed almost everything that happened in this class because my head has been drowning in my own thoughts. Fuck. I think. The next test in this class is gonna be absolute hell.
As I'm on my way to seventh hour, I pass by George and simply say,

"Hey, George."

"Oh, hi." He responds back.

Side note, the way he walks is fucking hot. Anyways, cool. Next step accomplished. Becoming friends with him was my number one priority. I want this man so badly at this point, it's not even funny. Just the thought of him makes my heart race.
Once I enter seventh hour, I contemplate on telling Nick, (my closest friend.) about George. I feel like he's gonna think I'm an absolute fool. Or worse. Just plain weird. I shouldn't care what others think. I thought I had been better about not giving a shit what others think. But I guess not. Not when it comes to my friends.
I decide to hold off on telling Nick for now. He doesn't need to know anyway. What's the point?

George's POV

Clay literally came up to me today and asked me what my name was. What the hell- AND he said hi to me in the hallway. I was dancing inside, but also confused as hell at the same time. This week has just been totally crazy. Since he's talking to me, why not start talking to him?
So, I made that my plan. Talk to Clay today in class. Boom. Done. Now I can stop worrying about if he hates me or not, since he talked to me first. Or can I? I'm not really sure, but it at least takes a lot of stress off of my shoulders. Once I get into my eighth hour, I see Clay again of course, and I decide to walk up to him. He's talking to someone, but I say hi anyway.

"Hi, Clay."

"What- who are you?"

"Clay- you know me. You said hi to me in the hallway."

"Oh.. must have been the wrong person. Oops."

His friend then looks at Clay, looks at me, and then says something that pissed me off severely.

"You've been talking to a nerd? HAHAHAHA! Clay I can't believe you."

"Dude I just said I don't know who he is, deaf boy."

He doesn't want his friends to know about me, I thought.

"Hm.. maybe I got the wrong person. Whoops! Sorry for interrupting, fellas." I say in a pissy, but hurt sounding tone.
I could see how Clay regretted what he said to me. And as of right now, I want him to feel sorry. He's an absolute pussy, I've figured out. Fuck him. Seriously. Why did I fall for the dicky jock of the school?
This doesn't seem fair to me. But, I guess my next step is to avoid him for a while. Or, tell allllll of his friends about me. Or, both. He'll be so crushed and embarrassed that he'll feel that he can't come back to school again. Poor, poor Clay. I'm gonna destroy your reputation, you little bitch.

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