It's only the beginning

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Clay's POV

  It's Sunday, August 23rd. And you can guess what that means-- school starts tomorrow. I've never really liked school, but I never despised it either. It's just- there. My friends make up for it though. I guess you could say I'm a jock.. (I just go by that because that's what everyone calls me.) Clay the jock.
   Or something else that rhymes with that, that makes me laugh.
   There wasn't anything in particular that I was looking forward to this senior year, so I was dissapointed that I had to go back to school. I'd much rather hang out with my friends and play video games until 1am than go to that hell of a school.

The next morning:

     My alarm kind of startles me when it goes off this morning. I groan as I wake up and get out of bed. (I've gotta get used to this dumbass school system again.) Waking up at 6:30, working out a bit, showering, then putting my clothes on and heading to school is usually my routine. But this morning, I feel a little more tired then usual so I just skipped working out.
      Once I get to school, I reunite with my friends, we have a good laugh, and then I walk towards my first hour class. I noticed a lot of new faces surprisingly.. this school never gets new students. I guess they finally had a good year.
   After about 5 minutes of waiting for the class to start, I start looking around, and for some reason one of the new seniors caught my eye...

George's POV

  I am NOT ready for senior year. I feel like my head is imploding with pressure from school, and the fact that I'm probably going to get bullied. The ONLY reason I wasn't bullied that greatly every other school year is because I've gone to a private school almost my whole life. I went to public school from about Kindergarten, through Third grade, and once the bullying started, my parents immediately put me in private school.
   They always talk about how they know for a fact that I'm a super smart and intelligent boy, and always brag about me to other parents. I absolutely hate it. I never asked for this life.
  I play nerd video games like minecraft, and roblox (things that people will make fun of you for playing around where I used to live.) That's why I've just always kept to myself, and stayed low.. until I met this boy in my first hour.
   His name was Clay, apparently, and I can already tell he's the popular jock of the school. Those are the kids I hate the most. Which makes it worse that I think he's smoking hot. He just walks in like he owns the place- and there's something about that that I like for some reason.. even though it's definetly not a good personality trait.
  I noticed he stared at me for a hot minute and I freaked out. So I quickly acted like I was doing something else.
   ANYTHING else than staring at him. I don't know if he was staring at me because he just found a new kid to bully, or that he despised my sweater. (I love wearing sweaters) Sweater Weather am I right? I mean, who doesn't like that song?
  I'm pulling out my folder to get ready for class, and that's when a really tall boy walks up to me.


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