Start from the beginning

"Night Ryder. Thank you." She says smiling.

"Night." He says before hanging up.

"See? It's as easy as falling asleep in class." Farrah says with a triumphant smile.

"Really, 'she might need more work than I'm thinking she does?' That's messed up." Reyna says pouting and throwing the sleeping bag blanket over her head.

He is probably only coming to see her model underwear. "Aww, pumpkin. I didn't mean it like that. He just needed a little motivation to be on time." Farrah says rubbing her shoulder.

Like you two every morning? "Okay..." Reyna says still pouting from her cocoon.

"Anyways, we have exams and need to rest. Goodnight ladies." Farrah says snuggling into her sleeping bag on the floor.

"Night" Glenys and Reyna say in unison.

Glenys cuts off the light and they all fall asleep.


"Please, no more. My feet hurt, and my cheeks are chaffing. And I'm not talking about the ones on my face." Reyna whines as Glenys and Farrah try to shove her into another dress.

"Beauty takes pain, suck it up!" Farrah yells

"No, really Reyna suck it up. We can't get this dress over your behind!" Glenys adds

"Not that I'm not enjoying every second of this, but clearly her ass is way too big for that dress." Ryder says

"Did you just call me (her) fat?!" They all say in unison.

"NO!!" Ryder say putting his hands up. "I said her ass is too big. Totally different! Plus, we like her ass. It makes her pants fit nice." Ryder says shrugging.

"Umm...thanks? I think?" Reyna says unsure.

"That was definitely a compliment and you're welcome. Honestly, I don't know why we walked into this store. This store is for anorexic girls, and Rey's body is clearly curvy. Any man with eyes can see that, with or without a dress. She's hottest nerd for a reason." Ryder says before walking to the entrance of the store.

"I'm hottest nerd?" Reyna asks

"Apparently." Glenys says with a nod.


"Ryder, would you do me a favor and take my feet off and throw them in that bin over there? I don't think these work anymore, I can't feel them." Reyna says to Ryder.

He laughs. "Come on." He bends down in front of her. "Get on."

She timidly climbs onto his back and holds on for dear life. "You won't drop me right?"

"Never, you're like what...125, 126? I bench that in my sleep." He says standing.

"Oh, okay...thanks. You didn't have to. You could have just called an EMT or something." Reyna says

He chuckles at her. "And Farrah said you needed help talking to opposite sex. You sound like you're doing just fine." Ryder says.

"It's not like I have a choice. You did help them choose my unmentionables. I have no dignity left after that." She says laying her head on his shoulder.

He smirks. "Your dignity is just fine. I won't tell I promise."

"Thanks Ryder. You're a good guy." She says smiling.

Farrah and Glenys emerge from the bathroom. "What is this?" Glenys says smirking at them.

"You two drill sergeants were too busy running her in circles to notice Rey's poor feet are suffering in these 4 inch bumble bee stilettos." He says frowning and shaking his head at them.

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