Welcome Back To Lunar Island pt.1

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NFTA (notes from the author)
-the characters do not belong to me
-you'll notice some characters are a bit different, but they'll show their true colors in the end ;)
-this book has confessionals/interviews, these will be highlighted in bold.
X: I hate kids
- this book is set over the course of twenty weeks. y'all can send in requests for episodes but I may not take them unless they're really good
- most people have been aged up just so the things they do are legal and not creepy
-many ships will be ruined and put together and ruined and put together again (it's for the reality tv drama aesthetic ~)
- enjoy!

"Hello everyone! Welcome back to Lunar Island!" The crowd roared with cheers.

Iko flashed the crowd a mega-watt smile and continued.

"Most of you were pretty sure last season was the last season ever after the island pretty much burst into flames! But your relentless fundraising that we didn't really need, brought us back for seven more seasons!" Iko cheered with the crowd.

"Now, I know you all are excited to meet the new islanders...But for the newbies, let me explain Lunar Island," The crowd quieted to listen. "Thirteen hot singles will be staying together on Lunar Island, they'll attempt to complete weekly challenges, but if they fail, an elimination challenge will have to happen. In the case of an elimination challenge, the contestants will vote three of their own into the eliminations. Where they will fight for two spots and the loser will go home." The crowd made sad noises.

"But here's the trick, to get our contestants to work their hardest, we don't tell them which challenges are eliminations. Sometimes we'll even add multiple challenges in a week!" Iko sighed but maintained her bright smile.

"Now let's really meet our contestants!"

Cinder: Hi, I guess. I'm Linh Cinder and I'm twenty-one years old. I like cats?
Kinney(Producer): Are you sure?
Cinder: Not really, but I can redo this right?
Kinney: No, we're live now.
Cinder: Dang.

Scarlet: Hey, I'm Scarlet Benoit and I'm twenty-six. Yes, I am from Europe, and no I don't like croissants.
Kinney: ...

Cress: Hi.
Kinney (Producer): Anything else? Maybe introduce yourself?
Cress: Um... no thanks.
Kinney: Okay then.

Ran: Hellooooo- I'm Ran, twenty-three, and the hottest dude on the show. Everybody else is probably fish sticks!
Kinney: Fish sticks?
Ran: That was autocorrect.
Kinney: ????

Thorne: Hey everyone, I'm Carswell Thorne, twenty-five years old, and definitely available.
Kinney: That sounds desperate.
Thorne: Not as desperate as crushing on the host of the show for six seasons and never making a move.

Wolf: Hi, I'm Ze'ev, I go by Wolf, twenty-seven years old, and I'm not sure how I got here.
Kinney: Oh nice, the confused bad boy act.
Wolf: Huh?
Kinney: Never mind.

Emilie: Hello darlings! I'm Emilie Monfort, twenty-three years old, and a total fan of this show.
Kinney: Ah yes, always great to meet a fan.

Jacin: I don't want to be here.
Kinney: Fine. That's Jacin Clay, he's twenty-five and the most uncooperative person in this show's history.
Jacin: Yay.

The Lunar Island theme was playing as Iko sashayed back on screen.

"You probably counted the contestants in our introduction, and you guys are probably like 'omg they're missing five people!" She paused as the audience made agreement sounds.

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