Chapter 5: Lightning Strikes Three Times Part 2

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"You have 4 fractures in right arm alone. Not to mention you have a mild concussion. It'll take 3 hours for your arm to fully heal." Caitlin says to Connor. "He's too powerful. Even with the both of us." Connor says. "Don't worry. Everyone has their weakness." Barry says reassuringly. "How's August? I saw that he got thrown into that wall pretty hard." asks Connor. "He's at the hospital recovering." Barry answers. "Well I gotta go to CC high. The principal wants to talk about my placement for the beginning of next year." Connor said as he runs out of the lab. 

Connor meets his Dad at the school. "What happened to your arm?" He asks. "Evil speedster. Good thing is that it will be fully healed in 2 and a half hours." Connor replies. "Let's just go." 

The two of them walk into the school and sit down in Principal Lewis' office. "Mr. Tran. Glad to see you awake and walking again. Since you missed the final semester of the school year, we have two options available for you. You can redo your Junior year or you can take a test that could potentially put you in the grade you were supposed to be in. The only problem is that you have to learn all the content by this Wednesday." The Principal says. "Wednesday is only two days away. That's not enough time for him to get ready." Connor's Dad says.  

"I'll take the test." Connor says. "Are you sure you will be able to learn everything on that test?" Mr. Lewis asks. "I'm 100% positive. Just send me what is going to be on the test." Connor says as he shakes the Principal's hand and walks out the door. His Dad catches up to him. "How are you going to learn half a year's worth of material for 7 classes?" his Dad asks. "Easy." Connor gets home and starts studying. His Dad walks by and sees him reading books at super speed. "What are you doing? You're not going to learn anything by rushing." His Dad says. "That's the thing I'm not. I've read every single page and understood everything. To you I'm rushing. But I'm taking *my* time." Connor said. His father sighs. "You better pass that test then." As he says that Connor's phone beeps. "Godspeed's back. Barry needs my help." "Go. Be a hero." His father says. Connor rushes out of his room and goes to S.T.A.R. Labs.

"I got the alert. Where is he?" Connor asks. "He's at the waterfront." Barry responds. "So let's get him." "Not so fast." Barry says. Connor gives him a puzzled look. "If we're going to fight him you're going to need an upgrade. Ever since we decided I was going to train you, Caitlin and I have been working on this." Barry says as he opens a door to reveal a blue version of the Flash suit. "Oh my god." Connor exclaims. "It's time you wear this. It's made out of heat resistant fabric so you don't burn up. It has shock absorbers, so when you get hit is will hurt less.", explains Barry. "Let's go kick his ass." Connor says. The duo suit up and head to the waterfront.

They finally arrive. "Ah. Flash and sidekick. Ready for round two?" Godspeed asks. "What's your plan? What do you want."  Connor asks him. "I want to become the fastest man alive. Once I kill you two. I will truly be the god of speed." "Too bad "god of speed" was already someone else's  goal." Barry replies. Godspeed growls and attacks them. The Flash takes on Godspeed but is thrown back. Connor goes in but is punched in the face. The Godspeed kicks him in the chest. He puts his foot on Connor's chest crushing him. "Hey slow poke." Barry says as Godspeed looks at him. "He made you look dumbass." Connor says as he punches Godspeed in the crotch. He steps off of Connor and backs away a little. Connor runs to Barry's side. 

"2 on 1 isn't fair. So let's make it even." God speed says as he shifts into two Godspeeds. "Is this some speed mirage?" Connor asks. The two Godspeeds hit Barry and Connor at the same time sending them flying backwards. "I guess they're both real. Caitlin, how's he doing that?" Barry says on the ground. "I don't know. A possibility is that when he got his powers he was also given an extra ability. Just like how Nora was able to reverse time." Caitlin explains back at S.T.A.R Labs. 

"I thought one was a problem enough." Connor says as he gets back up. He looks to his left and see's the drained water fountain. "I got an idea. Can you hack into the water fountain and turn it on. If we throw the Godspeeds in there and electrify the water it could take him out." Connor says. "I'll see what I can do." Caitlin says as she gets to work. "Try to hurry th-." Connor says as one of the Godspeeds comes up from behind him. " I could use a hand here!" Connor shouts. "I'm a little busy!" Barry replies as he dodges Godspeeds attacks. 

"I can't get in there's like 15 firewalls and I'm no Felicity Smoak." Caitlin says over the coms. "Call Eric. He's been taking hacking lessons. He once hacked into the P.A system at our school." Connor says. Caitlin dials Eric and tells him their situation. "You want me to hack into a City owned water main and turn it on so you can barbecue the bad guy?" Eric asks. "I know it's weird but-" "Are you kidding me I'm saving the city!" Eric exclaims. He hacks into the system as fast as he can. 

"Anytime now!" Connor says as both of the Godspeeds punch him. "Connor you ok?" Caitlin asks. "Barry, Connor is unconscious." "Great, tell him to take his time." Barry says sarcastically. One of the Godspeeds trips Barry while the other shoots lightning at him. Barry screams in pain. "Alright I'm in." Eric says as he turns on the water. The fountain area begins to fill up. Connor wakes up and gets up. He breathes rapidly. "You want to be the fastest man alive. Come and get me." Connor taunts. The two Godspeeds run at him. Connor leads the chase around the area. He slows down and as one of the Godspeeds lunges at him, Connor grabs him and throws him in the pit. The second one kicks him in the back but he grabs the leg and throws him in the pit. Connor then raises his arm into the sky and slams it aggressively. From the sky a lightning bolt appears and strikes the water causing a massive explosion. Barry gets up and they search for Godspeed. 

"He couldn't have evaporated." Barry says. After searching for a while reporters rush to the two heroes asking questions. "Flash who is your new sidekick?" Barry looks at Connor. "I'm Blue Lightning." Connor says. Then the two speedsters run back to S.T.A.R Labs. 

"Nice job out there. I've never been able to summon lightning from the sky before." Barry says. "Thanks guys but I got to go. Don't want to stay a junior in high school forever." Connor says as he walks out he room. 

Today is the day of the test. Connor walks to the school along with 4 other kids. They go to their testing room. The teacher hands out their test booklet and they begin. Connor concentrates and answers the questions to the best of his ability. He puts down his pencil and looks up at the clock. It's 8:35. "Oh crap. I super sped through the test." Connor thought to himself. After an hour later of fake checking his test, he finally turns it in. After he's done he goes to jitters with Eric and Avery. This would be the first time Connor saw her since the accident. 

Connor walks in a sees the two of them at the table. "Connor it's so good to see you again." Avery says smiling. "It's good to see you too. Did you guys order already?" "Not yet." Eric replies. "Ok, Eric come help me order the drinks." Connor says as they move to the line. "Bro, the other night you were awesome. You made lightning come out of the sky. I checked the weather and thunderstorms were not on the forecast." Eric says. "And you were pretty good too. I talked to Barry and he said you can be our guy in the chair." "Are you serious!" Eric shouts. Everyone in the room looks at him. "Sorry." He says. After ordering the drink they bring them to the table. "Alright 2 flashes for me and Eric and one caramel latte with extra cream for you as usual." Connor says. Thanks. They sit down and talk for a little. "Wait that really happened?" Connor asks. "Yeah, Eric fell down the stairs trying to tell Chloe that he had a crush on her. By giving her a piece of paper that said I like you." Avery says. The two of them laugh while Eric's face turns red full of embarrassment. Connor's phone rings. "Hold on I need to take this." After he hangs up Connor has a disappointed expression. 

"Who was that?" Eric asks. "That was the school. Calling me about my test results seeing if I'll be in your grade level. "And?" Avery asks. "I passed the test! We're all going to 12th grade!" Connor says happily. The group cheer and hug each other. 

Blue LightningOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara