Chapter 4: Lightning Strikes Three Times Part 1

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Connor arrives at S.T.A.R Labs to being his first day of training. "Morning Barry!" Connor yells. "Well you look ready." Barry replies. "Yeah, I can't wait. So what's first are we running throughout the  city or picking out a super suit form me? Connor asks. "Not today. First we're going to go over the basics. Since you are a speedster your stomach digests food faster than the average human, so you need to stock up on calories." Barry explains. As they walk to the speed lab. "Easy I'll a box of pizza for lunch and dinner." Connor says. "It's not that simple. You'll need to eat these at least one a day." Barry says while tossing him the energy bar. "A granola bar? Really?" Connor asks. "These are packed with protein and nutrients." "This is great and all but can we get to the zooming and saving lives part." Connor asks. "We'll get there in exactly 30 seconds." Barry says as he uses Flash Time. A wave of his speed force aura surrounds Connor and himself. "Woah, what are you doing?" "This is another ability we have called Flash Time. We move and talk at super speed while the world around moves in normal time." Barry explains. Connor looks at a clock outside the bubble. The clock is frozen at 9:39 A.M. "We'll go over the things you can do then we'll go do some running." said Barry.

 Barry explains all the things a speedster can do and not do. "Hold up. You're saying I can't have sex?" "Well you can but... slowly. Or else." Barry says as he imitates ripping a piece of paper in his hands. "Oh god." Connor exclaims. After they finish Barry ends Flashtime. Connor looks at the clock and sees it's still 9:39. "How? You were talking for hours?" Connor asks. "Time in flash time is much slower than normal time like I said earlier. Connor then runs on the treadmill and on the track above the speed lab. Barry monitors Connor's vitals. Caitlin enters the lab with coffee. "Thought you guys could use a break.", Caitlin says as she hands the cups to them. 

"You guys have been working hard for a while now. I hope Barry isn't over working you." Caitlin says in a motherly voice. "No it's fine. Barry's been a great teacher." As Connor says that the alarm goes off. Caitlin check the Speed Lab's computer. "Armed robbery 5th and Main." She says. "Alright Connor remember what I taught you. Relax and focus." He tells him. The duo change into their suits. Barry in the Flash costume and Connor wearing a blue jacket and sun glasses. 

They get to the bank. Barry stays outside the bank watching how Connor takes the criminals down. Connor knocks two of them out. Then kicks one into the wall. Connor kicks the final guy in the pressure point on the thigh. He then puts all the criminals into one pile outside. "Nice work rookie." Barry says. The two wait for CCPD to take the robbers to Iron Heights. Then they head to Big Belly Burger to celebrate. 

"Man you were great out there. You handled it nicely." Barry compliments. "Thanks." Connor says as he mauls his burger. Barry gets a phone call from CCPD. "Captain Singh hi. Yes I'll be there soon." Barry hangs up the phone and tells Connor, "My regular job awaits." "Hey can I go with you I might be able to pick up on some CSI things. The two of them head to the crime scene where a person has been beaten up brutally. Barry investigates the body. "I'm going to need my 3d imaging scanner so we can ID this guy. Can you run back to my lab and get it? Barry asks. "Yeah sure. Brb." Connor replies as he zooms back to the precinct. While he's there he sees Detective August Hart is Barry's office. "Detective Hart. How may I help you?" Connor asks. "You must be Barry's protege.  Tanner I believe." "It's Connor. Connor Tran." "Sorry about that. When Barry gets back tell him he has 5 cases due tomorrow." August says. "Sure." Connor Replies. All of a sudden a white blurr circles the room. 

"You finally woke up." Godspeed says. He hits Connor making him fly out of the room. August rushes over. "Are you ok?" He asks right before Godspeed throws him down to the second floor. Connor puts on his makeshift suit and texts Barry.

Godspeed at precinct. Could use your help.

 Connor then charges at Godspeed. Godspeed dodges all of Connor's attacks. He catches one of Connor's punches. "Too slow." he says as he breaks Connor's right arm. He screams in pain. Luckily Barry arrives and saves Connor. Godspeed and The Flash engage in a fight. The Flash hurls a thunderbolt at him. Godspeed is knocked back. "Next time Flash." Godspeed said as he runs away. Barry takes Connor back to S.T.A.R Labs. 

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