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"Caitlin, Caitlin can you hear me? I did it. I stopped the tsunami and Mardon's in iron heights. I took Joe to CC General", says Barry Allen. "Barry hurry it's Cisco. He's dead! You were right he is the Reverse Flash. Barry hur-." The signal cuts off. " Damn it." Barry says as he rushes back to S.T.A.R Labs only to the Reverse Flash holding Caitlin by the neck.

 "Well look who it is. Barry. Allen. The fastest man alive or is he? Cause to me it looks like you were to... Slow." Says the Reverse Flash in his creepy haunting voice. "Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Eobard Thawne." "Why!? After everything you did for us! For me! You  helped me get faster only to reveal who you truly are and kill us!?", Barry shouts. "You'll soon see why. Flash." The Reverse Flash drops Caitlin and zooms out of the Cortex.

"Caitlin are you ok?" Barry asks with her in his arms. "Yeah, I'll be fine.", she replies. "But Cisco-" "I know. I know." Barry said. They comfort each other as they come up with a plan for what to do next. 

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