Chapter 7: Y/N is the Imposter

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A/N: Thank you for all the support this book has been getting so far, here's another chapter ✌


"Let me call you brother!" Kirishima begged, gripping on to the end of my pe uniform. 

"I just showed up for Nacho-"


I looked from Kirishima and noticed that almost all the other participants were out of this first obstacle and on to the second. 

The urge to win corrupted me, even if I had no intention of being here in the first place. I grabbed on to the back of Kirishima's shirt and sprinted towards the next obstacle. My infinity pushed my speed even more and we both zoomed past some of the other racers. 


I examined the next obstacle, tightropes that were over a nasty looking fall. I sighed and used infinity to carry us over the cliff and to the other side. 

"You're amazing Y/N bro!" Kirishima gasped, just hanging loosely in my grip. I shook my head and kept running to the next obstacle. 

It was a minefield and I could see two others battling for the 1st place spot. I ran through the field, I was faster than the mines were. So as I stepped on them, they would explode a few feet behind me.

I caught up to the other two and I heard an explosion behind us. I looked over my shoulder and saw VeggieTales using a slab of metal and an explosion to launch himself over us. 

I smirked and threw Kirishima up in the air, a little higher than the broccoli was. As he flew above me I jumped up to him and used his back as a propeller. Of course I could've just used infinity to fly above them, but sabotaging others sounded fun. 

As I used his back to propell myself further up, he slammed into the ground below and caused another explosion, the two previous leaders getting blown back from it as well. 

I grabbed onto Kirishima, who was still in the air from my throw and landed on the other side of the minefield.

I continued to run and made it through the finish line, Kirishima still hanging in my grip. 


The crowd went crazy and I set Kirishima down, popping my knuckles after. Kirishima looked up at me with stars in his eyes. 

"Alright, about Nacho" I started, putting my hand on my hips with authority. 

"Can I please call you my brother?" Kirishima asked. 

I let out a loud sigh, this was going to be my entire day wasn't it? 

"Yeah sure whatever" I grumbled. I was still going to end his career when he became pro. 

"Yaay! Nacho is at my house actually, I had to sneak him in since my mom was home though" Kirishima answered, getting up from the floor. 

"I'm gonna need him back" I said. 

"Hey, uhh, which class are you from?" Midnight asked as she looked at Kirishima and I. 

Will there ever be a time where I'm not interrupted? 

"I don't go to this school" I replied, facing the hero. 

"Huh?" Midnight tilted her head to the side. 

"Go with it" I whispered to Kirishima. He looked at me and nodded. 

"You mean he's an imposta?!" Kirishima used an exaggerating voice and pointed at me with a fake gasp. 

"Oh darn, I was foiled again!" I yelled, taking my hood off. 

"WOAH!! Y/N L/N HAS INFILTRATED THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!!" Mic yelled and the audience was snapping pictures and recording videos of me waving at them. 

"Which dumbass let him in?" Aizawa asked. 

Snipe: 😀☝😐✊

"Well I have to get going. I'll be at the park I almost killed All Might in so you can return Nacho" I whispered the last part to Kirishima and he did a small nod. 

I got out of the arena, and not a single hero tried to stop me. 


 (Protest to add a pigeon emoji) 📋🖋

I was sitting at the park for a long time, the sports festival took longer than I expected. To be fair, they were all probably freaking out about me "sneaking" into the sports festival. 

That really wasn't my fault, Snipe literally invited me. 

"Y/N bro!" Kirishima called, running towards me. 

I got up from the bench, 10x more happy than I've been in a long time. Because in Kirishima's hands, was Nacho himself. 

"Nacho!" I yelled, running towards him. Nacho got out of Kirishima's hands and flew towards me and landed in my hands. 

"Sorry it took so long!" I apologized, hugging my bird. He rubbed his beak on my chest and flew to perch himself on my shoulder. 

"So beautiful" Kirishima cried in manliness. 

"Oh right you're here, how was the sports festival?" I acknowledge, putting majority of my attention on my long lost pigeon. 

"It was good! I was beat by Bakugou, but I still had a good time" Kirishima answered, reaching to pet Nacho only to get pecked on the fingers.

After conversing for a few minutes Kirishima and I waved goodbye and I walked back to my place. I opened the door and saw Dabi on the phone with someone. 

I silently closed the door and got out some bread to feed Nacho, who ate on the counter top. 

"Yeah bye" Dabi said before hanging up the phone. He looked at me and then to the pigeon. 

"What, is that dinner or something?" Dabi asked. 

"Touch Nacho and you die" 

A/N: I got a job so I'll be pretty busy but I will get updates out whenever I can! I will not abandon this story, we will see it through till the end ✊

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