the last time she left

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It had been a few years since their wedding I now live on patch, it's a small island compared to vale but big enough so I won't run into any of the people at the wedding.

Summer probably hates me, Tai definitely does and Yang probably has nightmares of that day, if you were to ask me if I cared I'd probably answer with a no. The day was dead to me and what was done was done but there was one thing that Continues to scratch at me, picking at me. It was this power, it wasn't my semblance I'm sure of it. But there's something about it, like it's pulling me between two sides.
I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling fan, going around and around and around-


I look to my side, a small dresser with a lamp had my scroll on it the ringing was only stopped when I looked at the caller and answered "mother! It's so refreshing to hear you're voice...yes he has been on about it, I don't see why he's so eager to arrange a marriage for me wouldn't it be easier to pawn winter or Weiss off?...I know he's not but it seems that way... winter joined the military? How on earth did she get away with that?....ha I bet he was furious....Weiss? I haven't seen her since I finished beacon... Whitley? You had another one of us?....she wants to be a huntress? Why? restore the family name? That's preposterous the damage is already done... I'll talk to you later mother"

Looking out of my window I saw the sun shining brightly, people flooding into the beach and icecream being dropped out of children's hands I know I shouldn't laugh but it is an amusing sight.

I decided to go for a run, going from my seaside apartment to hills of patch I made my way down a country road that slowly lead into a thick forest. This particular forest happened to be famous for its Grimm population. Looking to my right I stopped as I saw what looked to be small tire tracks, from a child's wheelbarrow perhaps? I continued my run an old run down house came into view. A scream echoed though the forest an pierced the tree line. "It not my business just carry on with your day" I told myself I continued to walk away until I heard a familiar voice, "HELP US!!!" The voice shrieked once again "dammit all"

I ran towards the house, putting my arms up to cover my face I ran through the boarded up door and just like I thought Yang xaoi long stood there with a fear filled expression on her face a hand full of Grimm surounded her, one Beowulf and a few boarbusk. 

Using my power I lifted the remains of the door and launched them at the Grimm, small pieces hit their eyes, blinding them. The Beowulf charged Yang but was soon lifted into the air as well as the boarbusks, they were slowly and painfully made into a ball of Grimm boadies their ink like blood spewing onto Yang's face and the carpet. Finally after a few painful moments the Grimm turned into dust.

"You..what on the gods planet are you doing here?" Before she could answer another scream came from upstairs.
"Christ how many of you are there? Yang be a dear and step outside, now"  Yang's face of terror didn't falter as she quickly did as she was told. "Good girl, now" I clapped my hands together "rise" I separated my hands as if I was lifting some monumentous object my body became strained as the house slowly split itself in half the bottom half of the wooden structure remained in the floor as the whole second floor was floating in the air.

Wooden panel by wooden panel the house slowly came apart revealing some more Grimm and furniture but most importantly it reaveled a small girl with red and black hair as well as a set of glorious silver eyes that he'd only ever seen on one other person.  The girl slowly floated into Yang's arms "ruby" the small blond muttered the large wooden structure, similar to the Grimm from before was crushed into a large ball as it started to leak the same inky substance that was Grimm blood.

Satisfied with his work, he walked towards the small blonde who held ruby he then used his power to lift the two Yang's face quickly turned into one of distress as she remember what he did to the Grimm "no please! Don't!"

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