chapter. 17

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My mouth dropped upon witnessing Janna ripping a hole through the air

" You want answers? , Go in " said Janna

" No way I'm going through this," I said

" Just trust me "

I raised an eyebrow

" How about a deal ?" said Janna

" No, I'm not going in this.....whatever you call it, " I said

" You owe me a favour, I'm calling it now "

" .............. Not before you answer some questions" I said

" We don't have all day get three questions," Janna said

" First what the hell is this thing?" I said pointing to the orange Portal

" it's a portal that helps you go through space or dimensions "

" how do you open one of these portals ?"

" using magic ..... but since humans can't use magic there's an alternative, using one of these scissors, they're dimensional scissors forged with magic if you can think of the place the scissors can take you there"

" How did you acquire those scissors ?"

" I don't want to answer that "

" ok......then this particular orange Portal ..... where does it lead to ?"

" it's called the Neverzone it's where you'll be training" Janna Said

" what's-"

" No, no, three questions that's it now go through the portal "

I walked until I was in front of the portal, it was then when Janna tapped me on the shoulder

she handed me the scissors and leaned to my ears and whispered ......" see you in a few years "

And with that, she pushed me into the portal

I landed on my back and the portal was gone

I took a few seconds to process what just happened I just got pushed into a new world or place or whatever that's called the Neverzone I got a pair of scissors that can open portals leading to other dimensions or-

How many dimensions are there? there any different life forms there?.....she mentioned something about magic ....this is so interesting yet so terrifying

I then felt something poking me I looked up and it was something...... different a creature with skin as pale as a ghost it had yellow horns with a flame between them surrounded by long crimson red hair, when our eyes met, its expression changed from curiosity to disappointment it let out a loud sigh

" A human..... great just when I thought this day can't get any worse," it said

" what's wrong with humans ?" I said

" you humans are lame times a thousand "

" I wonder what gave you that expression ?"

She rolled her eyes then looked at me from head to toe ....and " HOW DID YOU GET YOUR HANDS ON THESE" she said snatching the scissors from my hand

I was now levitating in the air ......" hey chill it's not mine " I Said

" I know because it's mine and I lost it a while ago or so I thought better start talking how did you get these scissors ?" she replied

" I'm in deep shit, right? "

" You have no idea human .... talk how did you get your hands on these?"

" I found it "

" Sure you did .... you're coming with me "

" do I have a choice ?"

" No "

She used the scissors to open a portal and walked into it pulling me with her she then broke my cast and tied me up to a wall in what seems like a cell

" don't go anywhere," she said

" No promises," I said

She then closed the portal behind her and walked out the cell door leaving me there .....why am I not feeling pain ? hand was broken ... right? I tried to move it, it seemed and felt normal pain, she fixed my arm ...why?

" if by a miracle I live through this I'm going to kill Janna," I said

After a while footsteps echoed through my cell ....closer and closer until it stopped and whatever caused it was on the other side of this metal door .....few seconds went by and I can't hear anything besides my heart until the door start squeaking and through it came a man .....or something else it was a three-eyed creature with horns and purple skin in royal clothes and a bunch of files in his hands, he looked ..... familiar

Without looking at me he said " so you stole dimensional scissors from the magic high commission...I don't know how you did it but you're in deep trouble I suggest you start tal-"

" TOM ?" I screamed

My sound made him flinch, he moved his eyes from the files and looked at me with wide-opened eyes ......" Marco ?..........what are you doing here? did you-....I thought you're just a normal human " Tom said

" The feeling is mutual," I said

" ya about that .....wait I don't have to explain anything why the hell did you steal from Hekapoo ?"

" Hekawho?"

" the white devil .. yellow horns, red hair, flames," Tom said

" oh that's her name .... cool," I said

He then snapped his finger and a fire emitted in the room when it faded a chair was there he took a seat and said " I don't think you understand the amount of trouble you're in right now "

" please I've been in the worst situations "

" I suspect that .....the only reason you're not dead yet is that, one: Hekapoo doesn't seem to hate you which is a miracle by its own because .... let's just say she's not fond of humans, and two is because she thinks you have some valuable information so start talking did you get these scissors ?"

" they're not mine "

" I know, they're Hekapoo's, how did you steal them ?"

" I didn't, prob-........ I found them in a forest "

" ............You found a magical artefact just laying on the ground in a forest .........*sigh* lying is not going to help you, Marco"

" why would I lie in this situation?"

" ok let's say I believe you, and you really found one of the very few-dimensional scissors just laying out there in a did you know how to use it ? " tom said

" I didn't .......I needed to use a sharp object to cut some ropes and while I was cutting, I accidentally opened an orange Portal, curiosity got the best of me and I walked through it you know the rest" I said

Tom stared at me for a few seconds before letting out a sigh and saying " if you're not willing to cooperate I can't help you, your fate is in the hand of a white immortal devil and it's going to stay that way unless you tell me the truth ........"


" I want to help you Marco you know that but my hands are tied "

..... ............

"I have five more minutes if you don't start talking I'll simply walk out this door and you'll not be pleased by what happens next "

Five minutes of silence has passed Tom stood up

" don't say I didn't try ......if you survive come visit me in the underworld "

And with that Tom left leaving me alone facing the unknown .... a few minutes later a portal opened and from it came the white devil with a large grin on her face

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