Part 7: Was it all for nothing?

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I'm gonna make him wish he was never born!

(Trigger warning: sexual harrassment)

Hanji POV

I wanted no wait I needed to find Levi. God why did he run off like that? Is it because Eren fell back asleep? No.

As I turned the corner I saw Levi standing in the door of... Petra's door? I really don't know but if it is I don't like the vibes from her.

I got closer an I saw Petra really close to him. I'm getting him out of there! Now!

And just like that I grabbed his wrist as hard as I could and dragged him away.

We for quite far away until he pulled away from my death grip. I will admit I wasn't thinking real well all I thought about is the conversation between Petra and Mikasa before we found Eren.

I heard everything she said. She hated Eren, heck she probably still does.

I snapped back to reality as soon as he pulled away.

"What the hell was that for!?" Of course he screams at me. I was over this shit at this point.

More like I was over his shit. Once Eren so called died he moped around and wouldn't do anything.

Yeah we were all sad. He was a ball of sunshine. He lightened up the worse situations. But Levi would take it out on everyone else.

Armin especially. All because of her! She would break something and blame it on one of the cadet's, she was too weak to defend herself, so she put it on someone completely distraught.

She was such a witch!

"Well are you going to answer me or are you just gonna stare at me?" Levi crossed his arms leaning against the wall.

I was looking down. "I don't want you with Petra." My voice was low and I work even say scary but I was angry.

My blood boiled just at the thought of what she said about Eren! Levi was surprised at the venom leaking in my voice.

"And why not? She's a team mate." He was about to continue but I was over it.

"So you would rather be around a witch than your own boyfriend... Fine I'll stay with him." I spat at him and walked off stomping as I went.

She's tearing everyone apart... God dammit!


Levi's POV

My heart dropped. What... Did they just say? Me wanting to be around Petra? More than Eren?

Don't get me started! I love Eren! Who do they think they are! To one speak to me like that and two assume that! That's utter bullshit! And they know it.

I stormed back to Petra's room. I heard speaking from her room. Eh it's probably nothing.

I stopped in front of her door. I heard her laugh?

Why is she laughing?

I knocked on her door slightly concerned. I heard her shaky voice ask who it was and I explained it was me.

The door flung open and I was pulled in forcefully by my jacket.

The door slamed shut behind her.

What the hell?


Eren POV

Hanji walked in pissed off. I thought they were about to murder someone. The angrily slammed themselves on the chair.

~if only I knew how much I needed you~ Eren x levi Where stories live. Discover now