part 3: Help...

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3rd person

A soldier ran into Levi's office.
"Sir Birtholt and Reiner was spotted on the outskirts of the wall coming in!!"

Levi stood up slamming the papers on the desk. "Did you get the solders around the area to follow them!?"

Levi threw the hoodie off and put his jacket on. "Yes sir! they are keeping a close eye on them! We have eyes on them from the garrison solders as well!"

Levi ran out of the room with the soldier. "Everyone out here now!" All of the Levi squad came out sluggishly.

"Now Alert your going to be in charge when I'm gone! Make sure no one and I mean no one leaves!" Armin was quite scared but agreed.

Levi soon turned away and ran to put his ODM Gear on. As running he noticed something. Petra was laying on the floor all beat up and bloody.

He just shook his head and kept running he had to get to the backstabbers and beat the living shit out of them.

They were NOT getting away with killing Eren and he was going to make sure of that.


Getting up off the ground, Petra heard the commotion did they seriously get seen!? She was furious, her thoughts all over the place.

She wasn't a bad person but this wasn't acceptable. She wanted to win and get her way. That's why she's so misunderstood.


She punched the wall, the red thick liquid oozing out of her now bruised knuckles. Leaving some residue on the wall, she looked at the doorway.

I guess if you ever want a job done properly you have to do it yourself...


Once the ODM Gear was strapped on Levi was about to run out the door ready to get the fuckers who so cold bloodedy murdered Eren.

The door slammed shut.

He ran towards the door in all hopes to push it open. But he herd it lock.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!" Levi was mad. His ears turned red. His knuckles were now white on how hard his fists were shut.

The room was so as dark as a night sky on a stormy night... It was pitch black. He couldn't even see his hands.

He kicked the door making a breaking sound. But it didn't budge. "UGH! LET ME OUT! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! I NEED TO GO NOW!"

Levi gripped his twin swords that sat in his tiny hands. He kicked the door over and over and over.

Anger building up in each kick. The water was about to spill over the edges. He was so close to breaking point. He lost his lover, his best friend and his comrade to the two tall lanky assholes, and he couldn't even get out of this room to get them...



Petra's POV (haha didn't see that coming *\0/*)

After I locked Levi in that cramped store room, well not cramped for him of course. I did feel bad it's Levi, but I have to do what I have to do.

I put a chair and a bunch of wood in front of the door so he won't be able to get out.

Now time to go actually kill Eren... They cared about him so much. I can't have that...

Oh... How did he survive? They saw him all dead and blood everywhere. Well it's called we let him heal a little but knocked him out so he couldn't respond. I distracted Levi squad, Erwin and Hange the crazy... Bitch. The rest was child's play.

We're keeping him in one abandoned house close to the..
Grots of the underground entrance.

I just had to get there witch will be easy. The soldiers were idiots anyways.


Eren POV (hehe)

A few months before

I woke up in excruciating pain. My head was pounding. I hadn't fully opened my eyes yet. But I feel something cold on my wrists and ankles... Sorta like... Metal?

The last think I remember before this was fighting someone tall..
He stabbed something into a needle. Before he shot my arm and hip... I remember healing a little before passing out.

I fully opened my eyes to see I was in a room on a.. chair? Wasn't I in a bed before? I was in the inflammatory wasn't I? Why was it so dirty?

I tried to move to stand up but I got restricted. My arms were behind me. I tried to pull my arms in front of me but the metal just hurt my wrist. It was so tight.

I tried to let out a scream but it just turned into muffles. I..was gaged...

I started to struggle causing the metal to scratch my skin and dig into it. I felt something trickle down my arm.

I tried to look back as far as I could. I saw my cinnamon red blood... There was no way I was getting out of these...

Wait... Why wasn't I turning into a titan..?


I started to scream for help. But the gag was making it hard..

I was soon out of breath.. I felt light headed. I was going to pass out until, my face met a very harsh, big hand.

Jolting me awake and aware. I looked to see who's hand it belonged to.

What I saw mortified me...


It had now been months since then...

Why was no one coming to get me..?

Was I not missed..?

Are they happier I'm gone..?

Does Levi even care..?

Has he moved on..?

Are they celebrating I'm gone..?

Was I that much of a problem..?

Would they even care if I died..?

My thoughts were cut off to Reiner reefing on the chains.

"Can ya stop crying? it's annoying!"

Everytime he would do they it would cut into my skin. Making me bleed more, and it would slam my back into the chair. Witch I might add it wasn't soft.

If I would "annoy" him to much he would pull on the leg chains, it would pull my legs back and pull me forward. He would hold the arm chains and sometimes even pull...

It would pull both my arms and legs back... It would hurt so bad... It would even make Levi cry...

Sometimes if he got bored he would do it for fun... Just to hear my screams and cries...

He was a sadistic fuck...

I would cry for ages after. My salty tears would fall out of my turquoise hues, down my pail face...

I just wanted this nightmare to end...

I wanted to end myself... Or in other words...


HEY GUYS!!! Sorry for not updating in a while and know you probs don't care about this but I do want to hear your comments and thoughts so plz comment ;-;
Oki have a good day/night/morning/evening BYEEEE!

~if only I knew how much I needed you~ Eren x levi Where stories live. Discover now