Chapter seventeen

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9:00 AM
I was still in bed. Cate already brought the kids to school. I didn't feel that good this morning so I slept a little bit took some pain killers and I'm luckily better now. As I was laying in cates bed I thought a lot. I almost spent every night at her house. Does she want me to live with her ? I don't know if she is ready for that so I won't give it another thought everything will come at it's time.
I was interrupted from thinking when cate came in the bedroom and gave me a peek on the cheek.
„darling are you feeling better ?" She asked me while stroking my hair.
„yes much better" I answered.
„what where you so caught up thinking about?" She asked me.
„oh don't worry about it." I said with a smile.
„well I do so tell ne what was it?" Cate asked me.
„it's stupid I'm just thinking about future and stuff" I answered.
„hopefully I was in there" she said. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
„well duh" I said.
„okay soo I just thought about how I always stay at yours you know ? So then I thought about living together but I didn't want to push things you know so I really just thought to much obviously so lo-"
She cut me off by putting her hand over my mouth.
„rude" I mumbled.
„darling, I've been thinking about the same exact thing lately too. I really love you so much so why not stay with me all the time ? You can still keep your house as a guest house maybe ?" She said.
„I'd like that a lot" I said with a smile.
She gave me a kiss. Everything she kisses me it still feels like the first time. She makes me feel things I never felt before in whole life.
„when do we need to pick up the kids?" I asked her.
„oh we don't they will be going to their dads so he'll pick them up" she said.
„okay " I said and gave her a very long kiss filled with love.
„you know i really like when you kiss me like that" cate said with a smile and smirk mix.
„I'll never stop" I said while grabbing her and kissing her again. I just loved kissing her. She touches my body always at the right places.

12:00 PM
We both got ready because we will go to the graham Norton show tonight and the plane will take off at 2.
„babe are you ready?" Cate screamed form downstairs.
„coming" I yelled back.
I quickly went downstairs.
We both got into the car and arrived at the airport.
„darling there are a lot of paparazzi" she said.
„oh don't worry I don't mind. I mind them if they are inappropriate but if they are nice then I'm nice" I said.
I got out and took cates hand.
y/n how do feel about the premiere are you excited?" One paparazzi asked while we were walking to the gate.
„yes sir I'm very excited" I answered.
tank you y/n" he said
„of course" I answered.
While we were walking they screamed more questions some I answered some I didn't.
We arrived at the gate.
„well aren't you a lovely celebrity" cate said.
„yeah right. I'm no celebrity" I said.
„honey they knew your name,asked you questions and took the pic from you. Believe it or not but you're a well kown person now" she said with a laugh.
„nice always wanted to have 3 fans" I said teasing her.
„oh shut up" she said.
During all of this o forgot for a moment that I absolutely hate flying it's one of my phobias.
I got a text.

Paulson: good flight.please don't fall out of the plain.

Y/n: and thank you for that.

Paulson: sorryyy and also have fun at the graham Norton show. You're soooo famous now.

Y/n: totally famous😌 and no shit I don't wanna fly i hate it

Paulson: believe me I understand but you have you hottie girlfriend she'll hold your hand.

Y/n: watch it Paulson.

Paulson: i was juts nice

Y/n: yeah right.. they are calling us. Fuck have to go and die on a plane lol

Paulson: DONT SAY THAT. JESUS. Good flight love u.

I put my phone down.
I was shaking. Cate immediately took my hand.
„I got you" she said.

5:00 Pm
I didn't die which is a good thing. We arrived and were already at the show behind the scenes.
We waiter for graham to call us.
„first guest I'll welcome is the new born star who will be seen in the new movies GAZE with cate Blanchett which will premiere this Saturday. Please welcome y/n u/l/n!!" Graham said.
I then walked up the stairs. They were standing on their feet and cheered which made me so happy.
„it's a pleasure meeting you" he said while shaking my hand.
„the pleasure is all mine" I answered. I took a seat on the red couch.
„and her co-star and two time Oscar winning actress the incredible cate Blanchett everyone" he said.
She came out and greeted him.
„so tell me y/n how does it feel to be fame" he asked which made the audience laugh.
„let me tell you I still can't believe that I'm in a movie with Cate so it'll be a long time for me to realise that I may be a little bit fame" I said. Which made the audience laugh.
The interview went amazing. We talked for a bit and it was AWSOME
When we went out people were standing there.
They obviously wanted cates autograph. I was about to go into the car but then they also stared to ask me for a autograph. I was surprised but I obviously did it.
„thank you so much y/n I hope you'll be in more movies I already saw the trailer and I loved it" a woman my age said whom I just have a autograph.
I didn't hesitate and gave her a hug.
„you're so sweet for saying that. I appreciate you" I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I think cate saw that because she looked at the woman with a VERY jealous look.
We got back into the car.
„oh darling are you jealous " i asked her.
„what? Me ? No ofc not" she said looking away.
„cate" I said and took her head in my hands.
„you are the only one for me. You make me feel ways I never felt before. I truly love you from the bottom of my heart and no one could ever replace you got it?" I said.
„I love you so much" cate said and kissed me.
The rest of the drive went good we hold hands and we're just happy.
I want this to stay like that....forever

Heyy guys. I hope you like this chapter. I quit like it. I hope you are all going good.

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