Chapter fourteen

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It's now Tuesday.I didn't see Cate yesterday because she picked up the kids and settled in with them a little bit.
Today was Interview Day for me. It will be at 7 PM and it is with Jimmy Kimmel it's. I am there to promote GAZE Also new movie I will be in.
Sarah and I got very close friends and she got the lead role in the movie and she wanted me as One of the co- stars.
Interview will basically be with Jimmy Sarah and I that will be so much fun.
So i start to get ready. I made myself some breakfast after taking a shower.
I finished eating and went to my bedroom where i will change into something nice for the interview.
I finally found something thats very good.
For the rest of the day I just watched some TV and was excited.

5:30 PM
I got all ready and grabbed my keys.
I got into my new car i bought myself and drove to the studio.
While im in the car i get a call.

»this is y/n. hello?«
»hey sorry for not calling yesterday«
»oh hey cate its you. dont worry okay? i totally understand «
»thank you. are you in the car?«
»yes ma'am on my way to jimmy kimmel. There is Sarah to promote our movie in the new movie I will be in.«
»the new movie?«
» I think I wanted to tell you yesterday I got a call yesterday I did I got the part in a movie where Sarah is the lead and she wanted me as one of the co-stars«
»wow! thats so great!«
»yes thank you.«
»i wanted to ask you something tho cate«
»what is it honey«
» well we've been together for like one month now I just want to ask you if Kimmel asks me anything about a relationship should I say I'm not in one or should I say it's a secret. I don't want to deny that I'm in a relationship but I don't have to say your name «
»I thought about it too. we will have an interview together on the Graham Norton show on Friday we can make it official there but yet let's keep it a secret you can say that your relationship and turns into something secretive it's going to be fun for you I know you like that«
»you know me too well. oh and what about your kids? I want to get to know them before we make it official if that's okay«
» of course there is nothing I would love more. How about you come over tonight at 9?«
» that's amazing I can't wait see you later«
»see you. Have fun«

I hang up the phone drove .
After about 20 minutes I arrived. As i got out of the car paparazzi was there taking pictures and yelling some questions.
I just walked and smiled at them.
As i got ion my stylist Lisa was already there.
,,looking good boss" she said while walking toward the dressing room.
,,thanks Lisa" i said.
We went into she dressing room and got ready for the interview.
Now its 6:45 Am and someone knocked on the door.
,,hey kid. Are you ready?" Sarah said Waking toward me.
,,anytime paulson" i said
We both walked out of my dressing room and it was almost time.
,,and now please welcome my 2 guests. Both of them will be in the new movie GAZE and will be in a new project later this month. Please welcome Sarah pauslon and y/n y/l/n"
jimmy said that and we both walked out. the crowed was cheering and clapping.
i smiled and waved at them.
,,hello guys. its so nice to finally meet you y/n"
,,oh the pleasure is all mine,, i said.
,,tell me how was it working with Sarah and cate?"
we talked a little bit about the movie and promoted it. Then we came to some fun questions.
,,so y/n are you married?"
,,god no" i said sarcastically which made the audience laugh.
,,well are you in a relationship you kn0w i have to ask that"
,,i know jimmy. Yes i am" i said.
,,well really? Who is the lucky man?"
,,cant tell" i said.
,,oh common is he at least nice ?"
,,yes she is very ice" i said, which made the audience say some whooos.
,,im sorry i didn't know that you are gay"
,,who said i was?" I said with a smirk.
,,well you just said that-"
,,oh jimmy " i said sighing which made the audience laugh.
The rest of the Interview went amazing.I told some jokes and showed my funny and sarcastic side.there is nothing I love more than making people laugh.

After the interview I went back to my dressing room and talked a little bit more with Sarah.I love catching up with Sarah she is such a fun person I truly Appreciate and love her.
After we said our goodbyes I went to back into my car it was now 8:30 pm.
As I was driving into my driveway it was already very dark but I suck little kid just running right in front of my car.fortunately my reflexes are very good so I stopped the car at the right time.
I giant out of the car to make sure that she was okay.
,,hey sweetie are you alright? What are you doing here?" I asked her helping her up and taking her in my arms.
,, I saw a bunny from my house so I went to follow it" The little girl said innocent.
,, but are you alright?"
,,yeah thank u'' she said.
She didn't want to let go of me and snuggled into my arms.
,,can you tell me where you live so I can bring you home back to your mum?"
,, right over there'' she said pointing to Cates house.
,,tell me honey what your name"
,,I'm Edith" she said.
,, that's a beautiful name just as beautiful as you" i said.
,,thank you. You are very pretty."
,,well thank you again''
,,what's your name?'' She asked still not letting go of me.
,,I'm y/no' I said.
,,its pretty'' she said.
She didn't want to let go so I carried her to Cates house.
I knocked at the door.
,,oh my goodness I looked for you I'm the entire house why did you left?" Cate said concerned yet comforting.
,,there was a bunch. She wanted to follow it but then she apparently went into the road but fortunately I saw her and stopped the car'' I said.
,,thank you so much !'; she said smiling in relief. She noticed that Edith was still snuggling into my chest.
,,hmm that's weird." She said.
,,what is?'' I asked confused.
,, she usually hates new people and it's very shy " she said.
,,wow then I feel very honoured I said. Cate just smiled at me.
We went into the living room where the other kids where. Roman,Iggy and dashiell.
They immediately started to ask what happened.after explaining everything to them they just hugged me.
,, thank you for saving our sister" Roman said.
,, you don't have to thank me.'' I said smiling.
I kept talking a little bit with the boys and it went amazing surprisingly we got all along quite good.
,,mommy?'' Edith said all of a sudden.
,,yes sweetheart?'' Cate said
He came closer to Cates ear.
,,is she now our mommy too?'' She said trying to whisper.
Cate obviously didn't know what to say. After a while the silence broke.
,, actually serious is something you have to know. Y/n and I are now in a relationship. She makes me a very very happy. I really hope that you guys are okay with it and that you will support me''
They didn't say anything they just hugged cate.
,,of course mom. If there's one thing you've taught us is that love comes with it wants to come and it's not important which gender we love you mum'' Iggy said.
Then they came over to me and hugged me too. I was so relieved.
We all kept talking for little bit.
,, okay guys it's getting late it's time for bed'' cate said.
iggy, Roman enter she'll give both of us a hug and went upstairs .
But Edith didn't. I went to her.
,,hey you alright. Why aren't you going upstairs?'' I asked her.
,,there's monster under my bed"she said whispering.
,, how about we both go upstairs and I will check under your bed and I'll show you that there is no one there.'' I whispered back.
,,okay'' she said smiling. She took my hand. Cate saw it and just smiled.
I went upstairs with her and showed her a dead there are no monsters and then tucked her in her bed and give her a little kiss on the forehead.
I went downstairs and said right next to cate.
,,well that went amazing didn't it?" I said.
,,just perfect'' she answered giving me a kiss on the forehead.
We both were to lazy to go upstairs so we just cuddled on the couch arm in arm. I felt so save and loved.
,,I love you y/n'' cate whispered looking into my eyes.
I was shocked. But I'm s good way. We never said it before.
,,you don't have to say it ba-''
Before she could continue i gave her a kiss filled with love.
,,I love you too''
And with those 3 words we both fell asleep arm in arm.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter. This is a little bit longer than the other so I hope you like it.
Tomorrow (24.3) it's my birthday so I won't be updating.
And also I will be in the clinic for whole month of April.I hope I will find time to write which I will I promise.
Take good care. Love you all.

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