Chapter three

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TW: sexual assault

I thought I'd included because it's an important topic to talk about

Two days later

6:00 AM
I woke up from the sound of my alarm and I was happy because I knew this day was going to be great.
After I woke up I went to the bathroom, took a shower, ate some breakfast and then it was time to choose outfit.
I wanted to impress the people but I also didn't want to overdo it.
After 30 minutes I finally got the right outfit.

It was casual and I liked it a lot

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It was casual and I liked it a lot.

After I gathered all my things I went out of the door and waited for a taxi.
After two minutes the taxi has stopped and I got in.
„hello madam where to?" The man asked with a kinda creepy smirk.
I didn't think much of it I mean it is Los Angeles after all sadly this is nothing new.
„to the (address from the set you are shooting) please" I responded smiling.
„okay babe" he said.
I didn't like a stranger call me that usually I am in love with pet names but not if a strange man calls me that.

20 minutes later
„we are here ma'am" he said again with that creepy smile.
He parked the taxi right in front of the entrance to the building/set and I got out.
After getting out he got out too.
I was handing him the money because I think that's why he stood up.
But no the man comes close to me and touched my ass and came close to my face.
„let's get in the back of the taxi babe" he said smirking.
I was obviously pissed I am glad that I am very tall and not the skinniest person.
But the man was way taller and bigger then me.
„you let go of me right now!" I said out loud and slapped him in the face.
But he didn't bother.
All of a sudden a person came near us I couldn't see who it was because the sun was shining in my face.
„HEY! You let go of her right now I already informed security so you better get your hands always from her. NOW" the lady screamed.
The man quickly ran away and drove away.
After that i turned and it was no other woman then Sarah Paulson.
„hey sweetie are you okay?" She asked worried.
„yes I am fine thank you so much" I said.
„are you y/n ?"
„that's what I've been told" I joked.
She laughed and replied „oh well hi I'm Sarah. Sarah Paulson I think we are working together I'm not the lead but I am playing your best friend" she said.
„first of all believe me I know that you are Sarah Paulson. I adore you and second of all that is so amazing I can't wait. Although I'm a bit nervous this is my first movie" I said.
„oh don't worry y/n Todd hired you for a good reason so you'll nail it."
„thank you so much" I replied smiling.
„if you want we can go have lunch together so we can get to know each other better but maybe Holland will join us if that's okay with you"
„I would absolutely love that and of course it's okay with me I love Holland she's amazing"
We talked a little bit more but then we went inside because it was 7:55 AM.

8:00 AM
We both went inside but Sarah went in a little bit earlier then me because I had to go to the bathroom.
After I was finished I walked to the room Todd said we will all meet.
I opened the door and I saw everyone standing there and talking.
„heyy y/n come here !!" Todd yelled with a smile.
I walked across the room and greeted him.
He was standing there with Sarah.
„so sorry about what happens to you earlier"
„oh don't worry everything is alright" I said smiling.
After a while of chatting someone tappend me on the shoulders I eminently turned around and I saw the one and only Cate Blanchett standing in front of me..
„are you the famous y/n Todd has been telling me about all day?" She asked with a smile in her face.
I stood there a little bit shocked and I think my mouth was a little bit open.
„hellooo earth to y/n?" She asked laughing
„uhmm ehh yes omg sorry yes that's me it's a truly pleasure meeting you" I said.
„wow when she first saw me she didn't react that way I'm offended blankett" Sarah said making us all laugh.
„don't take it personal" cate said smiling
We all made some jokes and soon enough I was getting comfortable and it was good.
„y/n and I thought about getting lunch later with Holland will you join us?" Sarah asked.
„would that be okay y/n?" Cate asked.
„well duh of course not" I said sarcastic.
„oh shut up" she said laughing which made me laugh.

At the table read
While we were reading I felt someone's eyes on me.
It were cate eyes. I just winked at her and smiled.
She blushed and felt kinda caught and laughed.
I have always been a person who flirts with everyone.
Throughout the table read I noticed how much I loved this it is so much fun to do what you truly love.
After that we went through the first scenes the romantic scene came on.
„y/n don't worry I'll be nice" cate said smirking and laughing.
„don't be I can take it" I said with a wink.
I realised what I just said in front of the whole crew I thought they will hate me now but they all laughed thank god.
„okay before you two continue flirting let's take 5 minutes" Todd said.
Everyone stayed in the room but I excuses myself and went outside.
I know it's bad but I smoke. Not a lot though but I know still bad
I took out a cigarette and lit it.
After my first drag someone came outside.
„I never pictured you somoking that's so badass" the blonde woman said.
„well mrs Blanchett what made you believe that I'm not a badass" I said.
„true I mean I never met someone like you,you seem like a really good person who understands my humour and I like that" she said with a smirk.
„good thing I got the part or you wouldn't have found me the person who just gets along with you in the perfect way". I said smiling.
She just laughed and nodded.
All of a sudden she grabs my hand and I was obviously shocked because she pulled my hand closer to hers.
But then she just took out a cigarette.
„good one right?" She said proudly knowing exactly what she just did.
„you can't do that to me Blanchett" I said smiling.
„why not? It's fun seeing you in the so called 'gay panic'"
She wasn't wrong. Every time she just looked at me my whole body explodes she's so beautiful and amazing.
I must have been in my thought because she snapped her fingers.
„you still alive right?" She asked
„nahh you're seeing a ghost that's the first step of getting old " I said sarcastically and smiled.
„oh it's on sweetheart" she said and smiled.
After that we both put our cigarettes out and walk back inside.
I was about to go in the room but then she whispered something in my ear.
„I'm glad you didn't faint when you saw me the iconic cate Blanchett"
Oh my god..

So dreams do come true ? (Cate Blanchett x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now