"You do realize I could freeze you again, right?" Kayla told him, clearing her throat.

Hope looked at her, noticing she didn't answer Landon's question.


Kayla ignored Hope's voice. She didn't feel guilty that she thought of not helping Hope but she also didn't want to explain why she didn't feel guilty at all either.

"Would that spell last forever?" Landon, again unaware of their mental dilemma spoke, gaining the two girls' attention.

Kayla narrowed her eyes, kneeling to pick up the map and without a word to them, walked past Landon, leaving the room.

Hope narrowed her eyes too, grabbing the bag with the crossbow and Rafael's clothes, walking to Landon, pushing the back to his chest, "Just try to keep up"


Hope, Landon and Kayla were walking on the woods around the Salvatore School, the girls walking ahead with the map - locator spell done - as they tracked down Rafael.

"Raf should be up ahead" Hope told them.

"Cool" Landon told them.

"Meaning not cool" Kayla deadpanned.

Landon cringed slightly. "Sorry. It's just..." He trailed off for a moment. Hope glanced at him over shoulder "Nothing"

"Meaning something" Hope told him. The two of them stopped walking.

Kayla had a little flashback to when Hope did the same with Clarke. Unnecessary and a waste of time.

"It's stupid, but when Raf was first stuck as a wolf, he used to always hang out with me, but then he, like, he stopped" Landon told her. "Like, he forgot or he moved on"

"And you're worried that it's gonna be the same when he's human again?" Hope asked softly, understanding.

"Told you it was stupid" Landon told her.

"Definitely stupid" "I don't think it's stupid" both girls chorused at the same time.

Hope immediately gave Kayla a look for being insensitive. Kayla frowned at Hope, sarcastically.

Hope shook her head, giving Landon a reassuring smile, "It's painful to lose someone that you love"

Kayla looked at the back of Hope's head, falling silent. So, she was also making it out to be about herself.

Hope's selfish. Remember that.

Kayla pursed her lips, scratching the back of her head as she felt a wave of something dark pass through her mind. This was not herself. Not once ever had she thought dark stuff about Hope. She was the light that shone through her darkness. The one who helped her squish all the bad in her. Hope wasn't selfish nor bad.

Malivore. Kayla thought to herself. The darkness from Malivore was showing itself on her. The shadows of loneliness had affected her mind. There were moments she didn't care about anything, where she wanted to push everyone or hurt them. The void. It was a black hole inside of her she didn't want it to grow but was certain, at some point it would be impossible to avoid.

Her internal musings had distracted her enough from Landon's and Hope's conversation that she didn't listen to anything they were saying until someone yelling snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Help! Help! Somebody, help!"

Landon ran past her toward the voice.

Kayla followed him with her eyes before Hope grabbed her arm, dragging her with her to follow Landon, despite the siphoner's annoyance of following after the boy. "Landon, wait, stay back. You don't know what's out there!"

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