Kayla set a map in the middle of them as Hope pricked her finger to draw her blood, letting it fall in the map, both of them watching intently that they didn't realize they had company.

"What are you doing in my room?"

The girls snapped their heads in sync toward the door where they saw a very serious Landon staring at them in distrust.

Kayla tilted her head aside in frustration as Hope began to stutter nervously, looking between Landon, the map and Kayla.

"Uh..." Hope scrambled to her feet, looking at Landon. Kayla remained sitting on the floor, propping her chin in her hand as she stared at them in boredom. "Look, I know that this looks bad..."

"No" Landon told them. "It looks like magic"

Landon's eyes flickered to the map, seeing the drop of blood in it, bolting out of the room.

"For Fuck's sake" Kayla threw her hands upwards in annoyance, reaching out her hand to Landon, rubbing her fingers "Corporis impetus!"

Landon's body froze immediately at the door.

Hope breathed out in relief, shaking her head. She turned to Kayla, holding her hand to her. Kayla gave her a look, ignoring her help, gesturing at Landon pointedly, standing up on her own. Hope dropped her hand, turning to the boy.

"I'm starting to think neither of you are some ordinary girls" Landon told them, unable to look at them as he had his back to them.

"Look, my name is Hope and that's Kayla, okay?" Hope told him, sighing in exasperation "We-We are witches. We're working with Dr. Saltzman. He asked us to do a locater spell to find Rafael"

"Why wouldn't he ask one of his own daughters?" Landon asked.

"Because they don't know about the Crescent Wolf Clan" Kayla answered, drawling in boredom, "Not like Hope does and we're a deal package, you get two for the price of one"

Hope gave her a frustrated look as Kayla made the last sentence sound incredibly sarcastic, even throwing a fake, cheering smile.

'Stop that' Hope mouthed.

'I can't. Sorry'  Kayla mouthed back.

"Wol..." Landon trailed in realization, unaware of the silent communication between the girls behind his back "I-I've read about that. Does that mean you can turn Raf back?"

Hope looked at Kayla, gesturing at Landon.

Kayla scowled, huffing, about to clap but before her hands touched, she separated them "Saeclum"

"Thank you" Hope said sweetly at Kayla's eye roll as Landon's body unfroze, the momentum before he was frozen making him stumble forward, turning to face them. Hope looked at him "There is a monster in the woods, and it feeds on werewolves"

"Ooh" Landon's eyes widened in alarm, walking closer to them "Then I'm coming with you"

"Woah, buddy" Kayla told him, raising her hands, "We fly solo"

Landon glanced at Kayla, "Uh... He's my best friend. You're telling me you wouldn't want to do the same if something happened to yours?"

Kayla paused, wanting to say yes, that she would want to desperately help Hope if something bad happened to her but something stopped her. The little voice inside her head making another appearance.

No, I wouldn't. She slows me down, her empathy would be my downfall if I keep following her around.

Kayla slowly looked at Hope, frowning at the lack of reaction from her. They had been reading each other's minds for days, why this time was different?

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