10: Bleecker Street Magician

Start from the beginning

I keep hold of it as Strange gets up and circles me, his eyes trained on the frozen mug and a few drops of liquid that had dripped out when I first tossed the cup. I start to feel a gentle tug at my core as I strain to maintain the blue mist, sweat beading on my forehead with the slight exertion. 

Strange lifts his hand and uses a single finger to push the cup, I can feel the movement as if he was pushing me and not just a cup I was holding. I watch as the cup moves just a little, but as soon as he stopped pushing it the mug stops as well and the drops of liquid didn't move at all. His hand goes back to his chin, before he nods and I let go of my hold. My eyes squeeze shut as a slight weariness sets in my bones and the irritation of my eyes fades, I barely react when I hear the mug shatter on the ground. 

"Stark will kill me for that. It was his favorite mug." I mutter once I reopen my eyes. Strange looks between me and the broken mug before motioning for me to crouch down with him. I watch as he makes a hand motion and the necklace opens to reveal a glowing green stone, "This is the Time Stone." He tells me before making some more weird hand motions as glowing green symbols ring around one of his arms and hand. 

He holds his arm towards the broken pieces and slightly turns his hand, the mug slowly repairs itself until it was sitting on the floor with no cracks or missing pieces. He then turns his hand the other way the the mug falls apart again until it was laying in fragments on the floor once more. 

"Whoa." I whisper in awe, I slowly reach and pick up one of the larger pieces and study it before placing it back in the pile with the rest. When I look back at Strange, the glowing symbols were gone and the necklace was closed again. 

"I want you to try what I just did." He gestures at the mug, "Try to imagine it like how it was before it broke." He suggests when I hesitate. I study the mug, biting on my lower lip in concentration as I hold out my hand towards the pieces. I twist my hand slowly, imitating how he had done it. A blue mist flies over the broken mug as it slowly repairs itself until it was sitting on the ground in one piece. 

"Whoa." I repeat but this time, a little louder as I lean back and nearly topple over as I feel my energy dissipate. I reach out and grab onto the leg of one of the kitchen chairs to help me slide to a sitting position instead of falling onto my ass. 

"Using this type of power seems to drain your energy faster than I remember..." He whispers more to himself but I can hear it just barely. He meets my gaze and speaks up a little louder, "I think that if you slowly continue to practice this ability more and more, you will be able to build up a larger endurance." He tells me as he straightens up into a stand. 

"There... um... there is one more thing that you might be able to help me understand. I haven't really explained this in depth to the others though." I relent as I glance up to where I know one of the cameras Tony had mentioned was hidden. Using the chair my hand was still wrapped around, I stand shakily and sit on the chair. 

"I have visions, and they have been getting more frequent. I normally only see major events but I saw you coming here right before you got here." I explain, pausing before I say anything more. "You might have seen me coming because this is a big event for you, or you were very focused on my arrival that once I had made the decision to come here today, you got the vision." He speculates. 

"There's more, I um.." I bite my lip again as I try to think of how to explain this, "When I had one of my visions, it was of Ultron successfully transferring to the synthezoid that he was creating. And I saw the events that would happen, humanity being wiped out and our world burning. I didn't want that to happen, I refused to see that happen. And when I refused, I felt this cold rush throughout my body and as if I had flipped some kind of switch, the vision had changed to what I now realize are the events that led to the creation of Vision." I end up rambling off in a rush, feeling extremely nervous while I explain something that sounds ridiculous. 

The Dark Heart(B.Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now